Log message #4049757

# At Username Text
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:34 Sebollson but matching against term1 OR matching against term2 is not the same as matching against +term1 +terma2
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:32 inoas admad is this so far off the charts? because I still see Url Objects being pushed as a PR and I feel that it is related https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/10866#issuecomment-313391901
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas and I would recommend using where(['OR' => [list of conditions]]) then
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas you can use it with a list of strings
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas Sebollson: that's what I was hinting at ;)
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:29 inoas admad around?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:25 birdy247 similar to dispatch filters?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:25 birdy247 can options be passed to middleware
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:22 Sebollson temporary brain blackout ;P
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson why the hell i tried to do that with separate arguments idk ...
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson arguments supposed to be in single string...
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:21 Sebollson crap im using match agains wrong....
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 inoas I suggest you make the query work without binding first
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 Sebollson yes as you say it is similar
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:17 inoas however it no where uses arrays like that
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas here is a very similar example
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#binding-values
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas but I am not suire how that could work
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas Sebollson: I can't promise you to solve the issue because I don't fully grasp it...
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 Sebollson docs says that int[] is fine
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 Sebollson but of string
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 Sebollson yes
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:16 inoas so $binding is an array?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:15 cleptric https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/request-response.html#environment-variables-from-server-and-env
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:15 cleptric https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/request-response.html#checking-request-conditions
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:15 Sebollson any ideas?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 birdy247 Where can I find that documented?
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 Sebollson but thats not the case - how to bind array of strings
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 birdy247 @cleptric
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 Sebollson orWhere is desired in this scenario
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 Sebollson how to make it work? It does not work right now because Unknown type "string[]"
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 inoas do not use orWhere if you don't have to
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 cleptric @birdy247 `$request->is('post')` and `$request->env('HTTP_HOST')`
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:14 Sebollson where $binding is an array of strings
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:13 Sebollson $query->orWhere(["MATCH($fieldName) AGAINST(:$fieldName IN BOOLEAN MODE)"])->bind(":$fieldName", $binding,'string[]');
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:13 Sebollson Hi all! I need a help with query builder
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:08 birdy247 2/ Is it a POST request
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:08 birdy247 1/ host
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:08 birdy247 I need to get the following
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:08 birdy247 I am also struggling to interact with a $request in my middleware
# Jul 10th 2017, 10:01 birdy247 Its coming from this plugin https://github.com/CVO-Technologies/cakephp-twitter