Log message #4049469

# At Username Text
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:52 birdy247 App extneding aPlugin
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:51 birdy247 it seems wrong
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:51 birdy247 actually
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:51 flashios09 then with js you can do `$('#data').data('page')` to read the value
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:50 flashios09 or you can use a hidden div like this `div style=“display:none” data-page=“<?= $your_page_var ?>“></div
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:48 flashios09 you can access cookies(read/write) on php and js
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:47 flashios09 @spencdev as i said before, try cookies
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:47 akkaweb Thanks @inoas
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:46 spencdev but instead of outputting more/' + Page + ' yadda it converts it to entities
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:46 birdy247 MyComputers extends PluginsComputers
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:45 birdy247 my app is extending the plugins controller
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:45 spencdev sorry, build not script
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:44 spencdev like:`url: '?= $this->Url->script(['action' => 'more', "'+Page+'", '?' => $this->request-getQueryParams()])`
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:44 flashios09 your plugin controller will extend the cake controller
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:44 flashios09 @birdy247 i didn’t try this before but i think it works
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:42 flashios09 try cookie
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:42 flashios09 i used a php var in a js *inline* code
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:41 birdy247 If a plugin has a controller, is it ok to use my own controller and extend the plugins controller>
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:41 spencdev Yeah, trying to do an ajax call using a javascript variable keeping track of what page it is
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:41 flashios09 hi
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:41 birdy247 Hi
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:40 flashios09 url->build on a ctp file ?
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:39 spencdev is there anyway to use javascript variables in the Url->build?
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:33 flashios09 on windows i have something like this `http://my_domain.ext/MyController/test/files/customerinvoices/1-1-1499456513.xlsx`
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:32 flashios09 for example: ``` $file = '/files/customerinvoices/1-1-1499456513.xlsx'; $url = Router::url($file, true); debug($url); ``` the output: `http://my_domain.ext/files/customerinvoices/1-1-1499456513.xlsx`
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:29 flashios09 the controller redirect method works fine on an unix base server
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:27 flashios09 recently one of my customers use it on a Windows Server(not unix base OS)
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:26 flashios09 i have an old cakephp2 project
# Jul 7th 2017, 20:26 flashios09 hi
# Jul 7th 2017, 18:59 josh_rodarte @inoas Yeah. I forgot what it did but I know null removed the attribute all together. Realized I need more html for what I'm doing so its a non-issue for me now.
# Jul 7th 2017, 18:31 glanceded It seems it is called by cakephp when trying to change datatype, but I have included the file, the namespaces are ok...
# Jul 7th 2017, 18:28 glanceded should I try ::build?
# Jul 7th 2017, 18:28 glanceded I'm trying to create a type and i'm getting this error Unknown type "App\Database\Types\IpType" InvalidArgumentException
# Jul 7th 2017, 18:06 inoas null or false probably not but did '' (empty string) not work?
# Jul 7th 2017, 17:52 josh_rodarte Thanks. I dove into the helper's code and empty attributes don't appear to be supported.
# Jul 7th 2017, 17:51 inoas like 'data-my-html-5-data-attrib' => ''
# Jul 7th 2017, 17:51 inoas josh_rodarte without knowing I would try 'yourAttrib' => ''
# Jul 7th 2017, 16:28 phpubar Thanks, @hmic. My boss was trying to blame excessive session updates on a particular status check route, but I double-checked and no session is created, so false alarm :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 7th 2017, 16:22 josh_rodarte Is it possible to add empty attributes with HTMLHelper?
# Jul 7th 2017, 16:19 origamiwork hmic: Yes, lol. So I assume you're talking about parsing the file names in src/Controller using straight php to get the controller names? I'm considering that, but if there's a built in way to get the controller names in cakephp 3 I would prefer to use that. Sorry if i'm not understanding correctly.
# Jul 7th 2017, 16:18 hmic phpubar: don't add the sessioncomponent (or auth or the like) to the controller in question?