Log message #4049337

# At Username Text
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:12 Martin` :P
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:11 hmic dereuromark: thats quite odd
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:10 hmic Martin`, i just made that name up, can be anything you like. seemed kind of fitting for the thing in question
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:09 dereuromark jep
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:09 Martin` IPType?
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:09 hmic or are you talking about echo $entity->dateTimeField is correct but $this->Form->input('dateTimeField') is wrong?
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:09 dereuromark I did
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:08 hmic dereuromark: set your locale timezone in bootstrap!
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:07 hmic maybe/probably you can just do: $table->getSchema()->columnType('your_ip_field', '\App\Model\Types\IPType'); in one line in 3.4
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:07 dereuromark did anyone write localized form input widgets for datetime? currently they are two hours (gmt 0 vs 2) off for me...
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:05 hmic these 2 things go in your table::initialize() function, btw.
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:05 glanceded ok, i'll try :)
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:04 hmic you need to map the IPType before too: Type::map('IPType', '\App\Model\...\IPType'); and have it defined in that dir/namespace with the corresponding class name
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:03 jdominguezpaz it*
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:03 jdominguezpaz @jarard01 If the .ctp is not created in that route it will show the one in the framework. You have to create the missing_controller.ctp in that route to override ir.
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:03 hmic $table->schema()->columnType('yourIPfield', 'IPType');
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:03 glanceded ah, sure, didn't think about that, thank you very much
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:02 hmic glanceded: becaue you tell it in the schema
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:02 hmic gutts: hans michl
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:01 glanceded My field in db is int so how would cake know when to swtich datatypes?
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:00 gutts hah
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:00 gutts hmic: what does your nick stand for? i always read it as hnic
# Jul 7th 2017, 15:00 glanceded @hmic I see, so I need to create my own type. I found here how to do that, but I can't find how to use it after I create it
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:58 gutts with a built-in?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:58 gutts is there an easy way to extract the first nested error message in $errors = $model->errors(); after validation?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:57 jarard01 although in my case it doesn't seem to be calling either of the views in that location
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:57 hmic glanceded: you dont need to work in the entity. you need a custom database type to do that
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:56 jarard01 thanks
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:56 jdominguezpaz @jarard01 /view/errors/missin_controller.ctp
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:54 glanceded hi guys. I need to save an ip in my db as integer, using INET6_ATON to "compress" the ip. I think that by usign magic function _setIp on my entity would do the job, but I don't know how to pass the mysql function to the query
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:54 jdominguezpaz @admad I'm not sure to understand that... I understand that I can't inflect both words in FrecuenciaSemanal to FrecuenciasSemanales?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:53 jarard01 in cake2 if I call a non-existent controller or method, which template is displayed?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:52 admad for inflector that's one word not 2. Only the ending of a string matters
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:51 hmic good work mic_!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:51 jdominguezpaz @admad I set the my irregular cases but I think I can't achieve inflecting the 2 words of, for example, "FrecuenciaSemanal" , with those rules. am I mistaken?
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:49 eBugg setting your own inflections rules is an option but it's a huge task
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:49 mic_ hmic: it was 5 minute job to create a custom widget and just munch the numbers in my own way ;)
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:49 mic_ hmic: thanks for the tip with a widget!
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:49 admad set your custom inflection rules
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:49 admad @jdominguezpaz https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/bootstrap.php#L197
# Jul 7th 2017, 14:44 jdominguezpaz it's an option. It's that or go full one-word. And, one hour and a half into this I'm close to surrender (again) and stick to one of these