Log message #4048820

# At Username Text
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:14 casmo Guess your $string got unescaped regex characters
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:12 jarard01 that give me an other error: Unknown modifier 'd'
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:11 casmo Try " instead of '
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:09 jarard01 trying to match a string, the debug confirms the match but the if doesn't fire
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:09 jarard01 https://gist.github.com/spacebiscuit/b9bd0fa0e7d1226d6b7e2d4a36006dfc
# Jul 6th 2017, 11:09 jarard01 does anyone see anything wrong with this regex
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:45 juststeveking :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for helping me get my head straight
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:45 savant yep its singular in cake2 unfortunately.
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:44 juststeveking Sorted sorry! I was calling `$this->Audits->find('all)` when it is `$this->Audit->find('all)`
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:44 savant do you have a stacktrace?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:44 juststeveking @savant I am getting this error: ` Call to a member function find() on a non-object`
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:43 savant yeah that works fine in cake2
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:43 juststeveking yes unfortunately
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:43 savant @juststeveking in Cake2
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:43 rudy1976s thank you @savant, as usual your replies are very useful :slightly_smiling_face: I will make some test
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:43 juststeveking IS there anyway I can use this: `public $uses = array('AuditLog.Audit');`
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:42 savant @rudy1976s https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.get-called-class.php
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:42 juststeveking yes
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:41 savant TableRegistry::get(‘Plugin.Table’)
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:41 rudy1976s post controller extends base yes
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:41 juststeveking How can I pull the model from a plugin into my controller?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:41 savant rudy1976s: do you mean a parent class?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:40 rudy1976s I have created a base controller with the purpose of centralizing actions which are shared across the application: for example in my post index list I have a link which should points to /base/clone is there a way to know in baseController information about the post controller, without passing model as a parameter?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:40 jarard01 I wa slooking for this: Configure::write('adminEmail','...
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:38 rudy1976s I try to explain
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:38 savant rudy1976s why is your controller calling another controller?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:37 rudy1976s is there a way in a controller to know information from a caller controller ?
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:37 savant variables
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:37 jarard01 what are the vars called which you can set in the bootstrap, ie admin email or similar
# Jul 6th 2017, 10:33 rudy1976s Good morning!
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:40 Martin` hi
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:40 savant hi
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:33 adriencs sup
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:25 savant https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/rds-change-time-zone/
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:24 glanceded thank you, for the moment I'm using aws RDS and I don't know how to change the db timezone, but the server's yes, I can change. I will follow your tip and I will move the db to my own server so I can control the environment
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:23 savant but using utc always is a good default
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:23 savant your app should follow the server
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:23 savant or at least move your server to utc +3
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:22 savant always use UTC
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:22 savant UTC
# Jul 6th 2017, 09:22 glanceded should them both be on same utc or utc + 0?