Log message #4048591

# At Username Text
# Jul 6th 2017, 01:01 blackjccl Show me this error
# Jul 6th 2017, 01:00 blackjccl Now i'm doing it like this
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:55 graziel ```, [ 'quantity' => $quantity, 'table' => $table ], [ 'quantity' => 'integer', 'table' => 'string' ]```
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:55 graziel yeah cause it needs 3 arguments and you are giving it 5
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:53 blackjccl Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:53 blackjccl When running it shows me this error
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:52 blackjccl I'm doing it like this
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:52 graziel its not the same
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:47 blackjccl That if you look, I did it but it does not work
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:45 graziel ```$stmt = $this->Users->connection()->execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.id=:id", [ 'id' => 5, ], [ 'id' => 'string' ]);```
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:45 graziel ```
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:44 graziel you could also use execute https://api.cakephp.org/3.4/class-Cake.Database.Connection.html#_execute as you did but you messed arguments
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:38 blackjccl Ok i will do the test
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:37 graziel yup
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:36 blackjccl I understand the execute I do after the bind
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:34 graziel https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/database-basics.html#binding-values
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:34 graziel hm i havent used prepared statements like this before but it looks like you have unneeded colon(:) in your bindings
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:32 blackjccl https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#automatically-creating-in-clauses
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:32 blackjccl Here it mentions
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:31 blackjccl Cake3
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:30 graziel its cake3 or 2?
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:25 blackjccl If clear according to the documentation has to declare the type of variable, here my code
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:23 graziel but its like what it says - you are passing something other than expected string
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:22 graziel it would help if you gist your query
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:14 blackjccl cannot convert value to string
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:14 blackjccl When I run a query I get this error
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:10 blackjccl please help
# Jul 6th 2017, 00:07 blackjccl Hello
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:18 jeremyharris cool :+1:
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:18 jarard01 I don't quite unerstand how it knows to get the template form the config file though
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:18 jarard01 simply creating the file in config then calling it on the form helper was enough
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:17 jarard01 ok that works - so I was overcooking it
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:14 jeremyharris (that’s what you gave me anyway)
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:14 jeremyharris the name of your templates file in config/
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jarard01 that will work, what is 'templatesConfig' in your example
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jeremyharris for a per-form basis
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jarard01 I want to be able to apply certain templlates to different forms
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jeremyharris you can also use $this->Form->create($context, [‘templates’ => ‘templatesConfig’])
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:12 jarard01 ok so I have that already, but because it is in AppView.php the template is applied to all forms
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:12 jeremyharris in the example in the book, it loads the templates when the helper is loaded
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:11 jeremyharris https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#customizing-the-templates-formhelper-uses