Log message #4048562

# At Username Text
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:18 jarard01 I don't quite unerstand how it knows to get the template form the config file though
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:18 jarard01 simply creating the file in config then calling it on the form helper was enough
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:17 jarard01 ok that works - so I was overcooking it
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:14 jeremyharris (that’s what you gave me anyway)
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:14 jeremyharris the name of your templates file in config/
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jarard01 that will work, what is 'templatesConfig' in your example
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jeremyharris for a per-form basis
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jarard01 I want to be able to apply certain templlates to different forms
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:13 jeremyharris you can also use $this->Form->create($context, [‘templates’ => ‘templatesConfig’])
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:12 jarard01 ok so I have that already, but because it is in AppView.php the template is applied to all forms
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:12 jeremyharris in the example in the book, it loads the templates when the helper is loaded
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:11 jeremyharris https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#customizing-the-templates-formhelper-uses
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:10 jarard01 is there an example any where?
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:09 jeremyharris you can pass the name of your template file to FormHelper on create and it will merge them in
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:08 jeremyharris yep you’re on the right track
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:08 jarard01 I have a template that I need to use in severla places
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:08 jeremyharris templates are not loaded into Configure
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:08 jeremyharris see: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#customizing-the-templates-formhelper-uses
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:07 jarard01 but it shouldn't be null should it?
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:07 jeremyharris that’s not quite how they work, you load them up into the form helper
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:07 jarard01 but it returns NULL
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:07 jarard01 then I debug: $this->set('form_templates', Configure::read('Templates'));
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:07 jarard01 in my controller: use Cake\Core\Configure;
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 jarard01 I set my template in that file
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 jeremyharris that particular one doesn’t ship with cake, if that’s what you’re wondering
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 jeremyharris jarard01 form templates are stored in config, yes
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 jeremyharris that’s good to hear. too many clients want corners cut when it comes to testing
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 urowe So we're writing tests and stuff
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 urowe Yeah, I got this new project, the client is very invested in doing it the right way
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:06 jarard01 is this standard cake: config/templatesConfig.php
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:05 jeremyharris happy testing :tada:
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:05 urowe Thanks a lot!
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:05 urowe You saved the day my friend
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:04 jeremyharris it’s one of my plugins that has tests with fixtures, pretty small so it’s easy to understand
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:04 jeremyharris np, take a look at this: https://github.com/jeremyharris/cakephp-lazyload/tree/master/tests
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:04 urowe Thanks
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:04 jeremyharris indeed! and since they are dropped and re-created on each test case, you always know what state your DB is in at the start of each test
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:04 urowe I hand't really understood how they worked
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:03 urowe Oh that's very cool
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:03 jeremyharris so you would need a UsersFixture and a RolesFixture. Whatever records exist in those fixtures would be loaded on each test case. Then you can call your app code that does the check, and it will read from the test database (now populated with those records)
# Jul 5th 2017, 23:02 urowe In case let's say I want to verify a user has a role that already exists in the database