Log message #4048452

# At Username Text
# Jul 5th 2017, 19:24 admad WyriHaximus: the nightly builds aren't running. The travis needs to be tweaked further https://travis-ci.org/cakephp/cakephp/jobs/250473818#L596
# Jul 5th 2017, 19:22 mcf @admad no problem. I'm trying to fix it as well, but I'm running into some interface weirdness...
# Jul 5th 2017, 19:14 admad @mcf Thanks for the submitting the issue
# Jul 5th 2017, 19:04 mcf @savant https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/10862
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:56 savant @mcf let me know when you’ve filed that issue
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:56 savant cool
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:52 WyriHaximus s/on/enabled
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:52 WyriHaximus Actually both already have fast finish on :)
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:52 WyriHaximus on chronos I assume? Sure in the same PR?
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:51 jarard01 grr of course
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:51 jeremyharris ->where([‘PropertyCategories.id IN’ => [1,2,3,4]]
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:51 jarard01 is this not valid: ->where(['PropertyCategories.id' => [1,2,3,4]]
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:49 savant so it doesnt wait on the allow_failure to report success
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:49 savant @wyrihaximus can you add fast finishes? I think thats an option in travis
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:49 savant :rubberduck:
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:48 WyriHaximus done
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:47 savant please do
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:46 mcf I can log an issue since the fix is not trivial.
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:46 mcf PHP 7.2 has changed the behavior of count() BTW. That is causing problems with the QueryCompiler.
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:45 mcf @savant - NP, it seems to hit windows servers more dramatically.
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:45 savant even those running on mod_php…
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:45 savant related to that, no one on the core team could replicate the issue
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 savant sincerely appreciated, we def dropped the ball on filing the issue upstream
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 savant @mcf also I’d like to thank you for looking into the bug and following up
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 WyriHaximus sure
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 savant and chronos
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 savant yes
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 WyriHaximus main cakephp/cakephp repo?
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 WyriHaximus Sure give me a moment
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 savant `allow_failures` is the travis.ci key
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:44 WyriHaximus 7.2 is nearing stable
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:43 jeremyharris someone more familiar with travis.yml could add it to the build matrix (allowing failures for the time being). if there are a bunch of issues it might just be noise until a stable php release happens
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:43 WyriHaximus Note that is is 7.2-dev so it can be expected to be unstable but it is a good indicator :)
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:43 WyriHaximus https://travis-ci.org/php-api-clients/twitter/jobs/250218773#L175
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:42 jeremyharris cool
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:42 WyriHaximus yes
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:42 jeremyharris on travis?
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:42 WyriHaximus you can test against nightly which is 7.2 at the moment
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:42 jeremyharris that’ll probably reveal the errors we need to fix for the current + future versions
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:41 jeremyharris since it’s not released yet it’s not on travis yet
# Jul 5th 2017, 18:41 savant if it doesnt, then thats a bug and we will fix it asap