Log message #4048306

# At Username Text
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:37 jeremyharris :+1:
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:37 neon1024 Ahh, thanks @jeremyharris
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:37 neon1024 Using ->get(‘[original]‘) has nothing
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:37 jeremyharris getOriginal and getOriginalValues
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:36 neon1024 I’d like to log the previous value to a table in my beforeSave()
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:36 neon1024 How do I access the ‘[original]’ in the entity?
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:36 juststeveking 500 :anguished:
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:36 jeremyharris throw it in your app controller before filter maybe. You might need to do $db = ConnectionManager::get(‘default’); debug($db->listSources()); die;
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:36 juststeveking That is erroring
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:35 juststeveking It doesnt seem to like me
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:34 jeremyharris we just want to see what tables cake is getting from the database
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:34 jeremyharris just to see (needs to happen after datasources are configured of course)
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:33 jeremyharris debug and die
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:33 jeremyharris yeah run it in the bootstrap/core
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:32 juststeveking I just run that one in my cod?
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:32 jeremyharris ConnectionManager::getDataSource(‘default’)->listSources()
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:29 juststeveking Thanks! I have created those directories (didn't exsist)
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:29 jeremyharris lemme find the code to list all tables that cake sees
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:29 jeremyharris okay, just checking :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:28 juststeveking It is, but I don't know, it is odd (I didnt build it)
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:28 jeremyharris if so, clear it out
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:28 jeremyharris is there anything in app/tmp/cache/models or persistent?
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:28 jeremyharris well your app could not be respecting that env file
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:27 juststeveking In the `.env` file I have: `CACHE_DISABLE=1`
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:27 juststeveking there is no cache enabled at the moment :S
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:27 jeremyharris rm app/tmp/cache/cake_core* maybe
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 jeremyharris testing my memory here :P
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 juststeveking It is cake 2 if that helps
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 jeremyharris have you cleared the orm cache? bin/cake orm_cache clear
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 juststeveking I ran the migration and could qery rather easily
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 juststeveking :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:26 juststeveking It is definately in the db
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:25 jeremyharris did you confirm that the table does exist in that datasource?
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:24 juststeveking Anybody encountered this error before: `Table asbaudits for model Audit was not found in datasource default.`
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:08 jeremyharris np
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:08 jeremyharris ah, cool. glad you got it working!
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:08 pedroseco thanks for pointing me on the right direction
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:08 pedroseco yes
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:05 jeremyharris does posts belongsToMany files too?
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:05 pedroseco and: $this->Posts->save($post,[‘associated’=>[‘Files._joinData’]])
# Jul 5th 2017, 15:05 pedroseco the array saved it.