Log message #4048174

# At Username Text
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:07 jeremyharris that I don’t know. I believe it’s only available when you contain an association that has a through table
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:07 jarard01 I'm not so sure that it is mis-configured though
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:06 pedroseco @jeremyharris I used a manual save() on that table before, but I would like to use the “proper” way this time. Isn the _joinData available after i initiated the newEntity() ?
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:06 cleptric gutts: I tested it, and I get ``` 'data' => [ 'user_id' => '36', 'text' => 'ffff', 'foo' => 'bar' ], ``` When I alter the request data before I pass it to `patchEntity`
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:05 jeremyharris see: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-additional-data-to-the-join-table
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:05 pedroseco in this case i’m trying to just save a “sort” column value on the already populated joinTable
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:05 jeremyharris I think you want _joinData @pedroseco
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:05 jarard01 if anyone wants to answer my SO question on paginator the link is https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44928493/cake3-paginator-sort-error
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:04 pedroseco hi guys! how do we save a extra field on a join table just by using the save() on the foreign model? It seems i can only save both id’s and not the extra field even if i add it into the object.
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:00 gutts actually, this is an associated model. $context['data'] only contains the fields for that field. hm
# Jul 5th 2017, 14:00 cleptric > You can access the other submitted field values using the $context[‘data’] array.
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:59 cleptric $this->request->getData()
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:58 cleptric Just pass `$this->request->getData()` to `patchEntity()`
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:57 cleptric Would also be better to avoid strange side effects.
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:57 gutts cleptric: do you know how to access all of the request data or all the data in a validation rule?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:57 gutts ah, ok
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:56 cleptric If you’re using `$this->request->data` you can modifiy it. If you use the new `$this->request->getData()` and `$this->request->withData()` no, as the request is immutable then. Just save it to a new variable and change that.
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:56 jarard01 fields have been whitelsited
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:56 gutts but i'd also like to know the other way just for my own information.. i still can't access all the request params in my validation rule, on 'when' or 'notEmpty' 3rd param
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:56 jarard01 paginator sort is not working, my url: properties/index/3?sort=idanddirection=asc
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:55 gutts and use 'child_count' as my rule
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:55 gutts so i figured i could loop it over and just throw a 'child_count' field instead of constantly loop over inside of the validation
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:54 gutts the validation condition i have.. i'll need to loop over all the other fields to see if the 'parent' field has any 'children'
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:54 popperz0r nop
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:53 gutts on a related note, is it considered bad practice to manipulate the request data before you pass it into newEntities?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:53 popperz0r Hello, i need help with epilog() anyone used it before?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:48 adriencs someone know why doing `->distinct()` in `->contain()` make the contain return nothing ?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:47 jarard01 even so I tried adding them but the sort does not work
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:47 gutts casmo: to validationDefault? ( tried to look for the 2nd param in the docs )
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:46 jarard01 so I shouldn't have to whitelist my id, title and active fields for pagination
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:46 jarard01 the books says: "By default sorting can be done on any non-virtual column a table has"
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:43 phpubar @devito This is the full lifecycle of a request-response in Cake: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/intro.html#cakephp-request-cycle
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:42 inoas Sebollson I had the same problem - in my dispair what I did was concatting in an anonymous function and sorting by STRING or NATURAL
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:42 casmo function myValidationCheck($a, $b) { debug($b); }
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:42 casmo The seconds parameter in your validation function has all the data, hasn't it?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:40 gutts i need to iterate through the other fields to create my condition. that or should i manipulate the request data manually?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:40 gutts is there a way to access "other" fields in request data within a validation rule? $context for 'on' in ->add or the 3rd param in notEmpty provide just data for a given field
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:38 devito v -> middleware? -> c -> model -> c -> -> middleware ? ->v that right?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:37 casmo https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/components/pagination.html#control-which-fields-used-for-ordering
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:37 devito what part of the request life cycle does a middleware get triggered?
# Jul 5th 2017, 13:37 casmo You might need to whitelist them