Log message #4047878

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2017, 23:08 phpnut Not working?
# Jul 4th 2017, 23:07 angelxmoreno my CakeCamp is not working @phpnut
# Jul 4th 2017, 22:43 NobbyNobbs but is this the intended behavior, or is it a configuration oversight on my part? I'm referring to including the token both in the headers and the body
# Jul 4th 2017, 22:43 NobbyNobbs I can add a field called _Token to the data, no problem
# Jul 4th 2017, 22:42 NobbyNobbs uhmmm a small question: I'm sending some data via JSON. I have added the X-CSRF-Token header, and it accepts the request. But upon getData, it throws error 400 "'_Token' was not found in request data."
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:47 jeremyharris Glad you got it figured out @laureano !
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:40 laureano @jeremyharris Thank you for your support! I finally made a change to set a different sql_mode allowing zero dates. I used this as reference https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/9918
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:33 jigzat thanks I will look into it and come back
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:32 cleptric Maybe this could help
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:32 cleptric https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/components.html#aliasing-components
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:32 jigzat yes
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:31 cleptric And then you setup the same component twice
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:31 cleptric I guess that your normal AppController is also initialized
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:31 jigzat no, I haven't look into that
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:30 jigzat but if I change the API's appcontroller configuration to digest the website works but of course the API doesnt
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:30 cleptric Hm, I don’t now right away why this happens. Have you tried to put your api in a plugin?
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:30 jigzat yes
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:30 cleptric The api uses the prefix routing option I guess?
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:29 jigzat though the API works
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:29 jigzat and the log shows JWTAuthentication as the last step
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:28 jigzat If I keep both controllers with their corresponding authentication, when I access the website I get an authentication error
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:27 cleptric Ok, do you get any errors?
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:26 jigzat they both use Cake\Controller\Controller
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:24 cleptric Do both `AppController` inherit from the Cake Core `Controller` or is the API one inheriting from your apps `AppController`?
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:23 jigzat is it posible to use both simultaneosly ?
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:22 jigzat the former has the digest configuration and the latter uses JWT, but it looks like they are conflicting
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:22 jigzat so I have the default appcontroller at the controller folder and a subfolder API with it's own AppController
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:21 jigzat but I wanted to use digest for the "normal" website
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:20 jigzat I have been tinkering with cakephp for a while I have a basic test API that uses ADmad JWT
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:19 cleptric No, just ask :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:19 jigzat I'm not sure if it will be consider rude to ask again here
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:19 jigzat I already posted the question in the cakephp forums
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat I wanted to ask someone about cakephp
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat I was in a traffic jam
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat dont worry I'm not a maniac ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:01 igreat Good day all Would like to if there a way I can validate buildRules without saving the data or outside the save method
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:34 cleptric Seems to be a good idea too :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:33 jeremyharris @cleptric the error page might be able to read the route and check the route class to find common mistakes between underscore/dashed
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris check your routes file to see the fallback class
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris oh that’s a routing thing. Perhaps you want /longerm-properties/view/x
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jarard01 i was using longterm_properties/view/x