Log message #4047836

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat I wanted to ask someone about cakephp
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat I was in a traffic jam
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:18 jigzat dont worry I'm not a maniac ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 21:01 igreat Good day all Would like to if there a way I can validate buildRules without saving the data or outside the save method
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:34 cleptric Seems to be a good idea too :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:33 jeremyharris @cleptric the error page might be able to read the route and check the route class to find common mistakes between underscore/dashed
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris check your routes file to see the fallback class
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jeremyharris oh that’s a routing thing. Perhaps you want /longerm-properties/view/x
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:32 jarard01 i was using longterm_properties/view/x
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:31 jarard01 my link needed to be longtermProperties/view/x
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:30 jeremyharris I think it does already. jarard01 was the problem the error message or your file was not camel case?
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:29 cleptric Hmm, should we add a camelized version to the error Message, compare them and maybe point out that this could be the problem?
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:26 jeremyharris :camel:
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:26 jarard01 ahh camel case!
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:23 jarard01 I can quite clearly see the file
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:23 jarard01 something very odd going on: "Create the class LongtermPropertiesController below in file: src\Controller\LongtermPropertiesController.php"
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:23 jeremyharris ack! please don’t drive and text!
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:22 jigzat hi, hold on I'm driving
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:20 jeremyharris usually :)
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:19 cleptric :see_no_evil:
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:18 jigzat Hello, is there anyone here?
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:17 jeremyharris I think that would be set in the datasource config under flags
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:16 Laureano I'm looking into that right now
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:16 Laureano Seems like CakePHP or MySQL is using an stricter mode, which is setting NO_ZERO_DATE for the session
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:15 Laureano But, looking at the exception to give you more context, I think I found the issue
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:15 Laureano Sadly, I can't ask the DBA because other components use that same table, and rely on the fact that it allows zero dates to compared ranges
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:10 jeremyharris thought: have you tried using ->update instead of updateAll? like $this->query()->update()->set()->where()->execute()
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:09 jeremyharris also I’d submit a ticket to your DBA to allow nulls in there if you can :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:09 jeremyharris interesting. what exception do you get? can you gist a stack trace?
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:07 Laureano Thank you jeremyharris! I'm actually able to update the rows outside CakePHP, the engine is ok with that
# Jul 4th 2017, 20:05 jeremyharris I’m not familiar with MariaDB, you’ll have to look up the docs on your version to see if a 0-date is even allowed. If you’re receiving an error it’s like that it’s not allowed by the db engine
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:57 Laureano jeremyharris MySQL is MariaDB 10
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:57 Laureano admad Would love to -- but it's outside my permissions. Don't have access to do it. I'm just patching an external tool.
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:55 admad mysql is silly for allowing it
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:55 admad storing '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is just wrong, set the field to null instead
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:54 jeremyharris depends on what version of mysql, if I remember right 0-dates like that don’t store in 5.7, you want a proper null field
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:52 Laureano I would like to bulk reset a field but every approach I tried raised an exception
# Jul 4th 2017, 19:52 Laureano What would be the correct way to store '0000-00-00 00:00:00' on a datetime field (MySQL) while using $model->updateAll() on CakePHP 3?
# Jul 4th 2017, 18:02 awi So i haven't moved a single file yet.
# Jul 4th 2017, 18:00 awi I think so... I am currently making my exif stuff
# Jul 4th 2017, 17:59 WyriHaximus awi: did you manage to get it working