Log message #4047753

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2017, 15:18 neon1024 Hah, well I’ve hit most snags once before, I tend to look out for them nowadays ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:48 birdy247 gd advice as usual neon1024
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:47 birdy247 :+1:
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:47 neon1024 Be interesting to discuss if I wasn’t silo’d
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:46 neon1024 I find if I try and pre-optimise I spend time in choice paralysis as I try and cover off all the use-cases, without any clue if they are relevant or not
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:46 neon1024 I guess you have to balance it with technical debt
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:44 neon1024 You’ll be writing code which will make maintenance harder for no reason
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:43 neon1024 I would advise against pre-optimisation
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:36 birdy247 but I am thinking longer term
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:36 birdy247 the TimezoneAwareDateTime will work
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:36 birdy247 for now, its only a London/Europe app, so its not a big issue
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:35 birdy247 Ill try and speak to jose_zap
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:24 neon1024 :coffee:
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:23 neon1024 Perhaps it was this ticket, https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8588
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:22 neon1024 Would make doing time maths more annoying though I’d imagine, as you’d end up doing lots of offset maths
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:22 neon1024 If that’s even a thing in mysql
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:21 neon1024 I suppose you could store the date time strings with an offset
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:21 neon1024 Might be better to talk to someone in a CEST timezone, as they’ll have way more experience
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:20 neon1024 Sorry, other than that, I’m out of ideas.
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:20 neon1024 Yes it’s identical
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:19 neon1024 Well you might be able to just make a beforeSave or something simple
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:19 birdy247 isnt this essentially the same thing?
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:19 neon1024 Jose said the same
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:19 neon1024 I just think the TimezoneAwareDateTime thing isn’t great code
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:19 neon1024 Then, https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/database-basics.html#adding-custom-database-types
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:18 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-complex-types
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:18 birdy247 behaviour?
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:18 birdy247 like what?
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:18 neon1024 Or make something better ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 birdy247 and it should all work
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 neon1024 It’s all about the data type layer in CakePHP
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 birdy247 All I need to do is figure out how to make the "SOURCE" dynamic in that
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 neon1024 The timezone data type handles the conversion of user input data into UTC
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 birdy247 Its use case 1 I seem to go around in circles in
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:17 birdy247 just throw in the users timezone and UTC will display in their timezone
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:16 birdy247 thats easy
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:16 birdy247 2) is taken care of with i18nFormat
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:16 neon1024 2) Displaying UTC date times in a specific timezone
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:16 neon1024 1) Collecting data input from a user in a specified timezone and saving it as UTC
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:16 neon1024 You have two use-cases to solve.
# Jul 4th 2017, 14:15 birdy247 Do it in the entity instead?