Log message #4047660

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:41 birdy247 and just use the i18nFormat to display it correctly
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:41 birdy247 in other projects I use a JS datetime picker
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:40 birdy247 so use the createdUTC as the value for my "date" input
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:39 neon1024 I have pretty limited experience of it, being in the UK ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:39 neon1024 I preferred the data type class, as it meant I was always working in the front-end timezone
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:38 neon1024 Then you could just have $entity->get(‘createdUTC’) or something, which just changed the timezone and returned a new date time instance
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:38 neon1024 I mean the easiest thing would be to creating an entity virtual field I suppose
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:38 birdy247 thats what I am using neon1024 :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:37 neon1024 There was a whole bunch of discussion about how to translate between a backend timezone and a front-end timezone. Ionas linked me to the issue ages ago, but I don’t recall what it was called to search for it, or what the upshot was.
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:37 neon1024 I still use Josés old TimezoneAwareDateTime data type class :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:36 neon1024 I’d defer to Ionas or Lorenzo on this
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:36 neon1024 Does the helper take a timezone option?
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:36 birdy247 or is it a case of using a Helper?
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:36 birdy247 Is there any magic way to do this?
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 and I want it in Europe/London
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 but when the form helper displays the dates, its obv still in UTC
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 I am saving the value from Europe/London to UTC
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 neon1024 Have a biscuit!
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 neon1024 Success!
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 all good
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 which is showing a datetime input
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 I am using the cake Form->control
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:32 JustASlacker the cake is a lie
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:28 Neon1024 !xy
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:04 jeremyharris :tada: :100: :cakephp:
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:38 jarard01 the progress is staggering compared to doing it with your own libraries
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 I just had that moment, I have converted an old php site
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 the reply I got was "stick with it and you will soon be doing rapid development"
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 I remember a few years ago crying and b*tching about cake, asking do I need to use a framework to do things I can do myself....
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:14 jarard01 i tried simply adding the condition to the ORM but oc it is ignored
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:13 jarard01 hmm ok I have a condition in my beforeFind but I don't want it to be applied in the admin panel
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 dereuromark its like asking a wheel how many passengers your car got
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 dereuromark you dont :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 jarard01 anyone know how I can check for admin preix in a ModelTable.php
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:04 dereuromark did anyone use localized form widgets for datetime handling? those are two hours off (gmt 0 instead of 2 right now)..
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:53 adriencs maybe your checkbox is not in your `form` or has is missing `name` property
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 adriencs you should not have problems using tinyint on checkbox
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 jarard01 i need to check, my be easier to use a select perhaps
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 adriencs @jarard01 you does not have your checkbox in `$this->request->getData` ?
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:50 jarard01 if i just set a checkbox when I submit with it not checked it is not in the request data
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:50 jarard01 how can I use a checkbox in a form to save an active tinyInt field in my table?