Log message #4047595

# At Username Text
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:35 birdy247 I am using the cake Form->control
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:32 JustASlacker the cake is a lie
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:28 Neon1024 !xy
# Jul 4th 2017, 13:04 jeremyharris :tada: :100: :cakephp:
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:38 jarard01 the progress is staggering compared to doing it with your own libraries
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 I just had that moment, I have converted an old php site
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 the reply I got was "stick with it and you will soon be doing rapid development"
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:37 jarard01 I remember a few years ago crying and b*tching about cake, asking do I need to use a framework to do things I can do myself....
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:14 jarard01 i tried simply adding the condition to the ORM but oc it is ignored
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:13 jarard01 hmm ok I have a condition in my beforeFind but I don't want it to be applied in the admin panel
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 dereuromark its like asking a wheel how many passengers your car got
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 dereuromark you dont :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:10 jarard01 anyone know how I can check for admin preix in a ModelTable.php
# Jul 4th 2017, 12:04 dereuromark did anyone use localized form widgets for datetime handling? those are two hours off (gmt 0 instead of 2 right now)..
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:53 adriencs maybe your checkbox is not in your `form` or has is missing `name` property
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 adriencs you should not have problems using tinyint on checkbox
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 jarard01 i need to check, my be easier to use a select perhaps
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:52 adriencs @jarard01 you does not have your checkbox in `$this->request->getData` ?
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:50 jarard01 if i just set a checkbox when I submit with it not checked it is not in the request data
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:50 jarard01 how can I use a checkbox in a form to save an active tinyInt field in my table?
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:21 neon1024 I had not configured my application to use the class ;)
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:19 neon1024 Ah, spoke too soon!
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:18 neon1024 I have a custom Exception Renderer for my api, so I can return bespoke json for my errors, as per my documentation. However it doesn’t work for all codes. Any ideas where I can start debugging how the exception renderer is loaded for exceptions
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:07 aproapedelune ok. thank you
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:06 neon1024 My first thought would be to write some CSS
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:04 dereuromark https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp#templating
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:03 dereuromark its just cleaner using the plugin as the code stays agnostic and simple
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:03 dereuromark suure
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:03 aproapedelune but can t I just modify the code a bit to make it fast? :))
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:01 dereuromark e.g. using boostrap plugin
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:00 aproapedelune how can I modify the form to look nice?
# Jul 4th 2017, 11:00 aproapedelune ?= $this->Form->create($analize, ['enctype' => 'miltipart/form-data']) ?> <fieldset> <legend><?= __('Add Analize') ?></legend> <?php echo $this->Form->input('nume'); echo $this->Form->input('categorie'); echo $this->Form->input('pret'); ?> </fieldset> <?= $this->Form->button(__('Adauga')) ?> <?= $this->Form->end() ?
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:59 aproapedelune hello
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:24 neon1024 Guess I’ll use a custom validation method and `preg_match()`
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:19 neon1024 Perhaps it should be ‘not punctuation’
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:18 neon1024 Which is obviously a bug in my code, as the regex works, https://regex101.com/r/lxK8BL/1
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:18 neon1024 Because, for some reason `/[a-z0-9\-_]+/` is allowing string with punctuation in to pass validation
# Jul 4th 2017, 10:17 neon1024 With the Cake 2 `custom()` validation method, the regex should match to pass the validation? I’m matching a whitelist right?
# Jul 4th 2017, 09:57 casmo Does anyone have found a good alternative for the View for cake? e.g. vue.js, angular, react?
# Jul 4th 2017, 09:40 pidlo_ hi can i create crud and can i have a template script witch create ES6 js file from js template and finally transpile it with babel? (include it in cake bake command)?
# Jul 4th 2017, 09:37 hiryu85 Hello