Log message #4047489

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:50 smarty24 To make it clearer. I am requested to develop sample php job portal using cakephp and job posters will get an email notification after posting with a link to be able to edit or delete post. The link should include a token... Which is where I am confused why a token and if it should be stored in the db or generated each time
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:48 jeremyharris is someone generating the tokens in an admin panel or something? I don’t understand the purpose of it. What not just make edit public at that point?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:48 smarty24 I am assume not, because it will appear on the url.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:46 jeremyharris is it meant to be secret? reusable?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:46 smarty24 No, it is not for login. The link is intended for use to edit and delete posted jobs on the portal.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:40 jeremyharris is it a login token of some sort?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:40 jeremyharris depends what you’re using the token for I suppose :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:38 smarty24 Hi Masters, I have a quick question. I have task to do a sample job portal which has a link like this: jobboard.local/jobs/edit/256?token=asddas1221d1asdkjd122kj .... The last part should be a token which is where my question lies. Must this token be generated once and stored in the database or has to be generated all the time page is visited?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:38 jeremyharris $items[0]->plan->numberofbooks
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:37 jeremyharris I mean, you had to pass it to the view in the first place :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:37 jeremyharris you can just use whatever var you set in the controller
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:29 clementcrown i have that in the view, but i want to get the value in the controller cos I still wanna use it in there
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:29 clementcrown i want something like this echo ['items']['plan']['numberofboos'];
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:28 clementcrown given this array https://gist.github.com/clementcrownrise/7f8f7e1cb02044767e8c55dd81ce376c , please how can i get the [plan][numberofbooks] value in the controller
# Jul 3rd 2017, 21:20 angelxmoreno @burzum :eyes:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 19:30 jeremyharris and, the entity after patching/creating it?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 19:30 jeremyharris can you gist the save process you’re doing?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 19:26 devito yes they do
# Jul 3rd 2017, 19:18 jeremyharris @devito do those tables have the Timestamp behavior? if not, that’s probably the problem
# Jul 3rd 2017, 18:56 sdf4sd545 --
# Jul 3rd 2017, 18:29 devito getting an odd error when i try to make a new entity and save it. its telling me created cannot be null.... anyone ever encounter this? I baked the migration with created modified as the last 2 cols
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:27 glanceded are there any implications for now using ->cors() ?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:27 glanceded also works with $this->response->withHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:81>');, but it doesn't work with -cors()
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:25 glanceded header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:81");
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:25 glanceded I just tried with php and it works...
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:23 inoas make sure it runs... then transform to response setup
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:22 inoas use php's header() first
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:22 inoas I'd try to decouple the problem
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:19 glanceded instead of localhost I tried * but doesn't work. I also tried to assign the resulted value to $this->response. Also, it didn't work
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:18 glanceded I use ->cors method, like this $this->response ->cors($this->request) ->allowOrigin(['http://localhost:81>']) ->allowMethods(['GET', 'POST']) //->allowHeaders(['X-CSRF-Token']) //->allowCredentials() //->exposeHeaders(['Link']) ->maxAge(300) -build();
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:18 glanceded I try do add cors, but it doesn't work
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:18 glanceded I have a problem with my cake app I'm trying to make.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 17:17 glanceded hello guys
# Jul 3rd 2017, 16:37 admad no need to set locale individually for all data time classes. Just set `I18n::locale('en_GB')`
# Jul 3rd 2017, 16:18 inoas ndm what do you set Time::setDefaultLocale() etc to?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 16:11 admad @ndm yup it is a bug
# Jul 3rd 2017, 15:56 ndm @ionas No one said it would be easy :slightly_smiling_face: My configurations looked similar, but by now I'm using `i18nFormat()` wherever possible, so that most of the time all I have to do is set the locale.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 15:42 inoas 50 years from now I cannot imagine that.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 15:42 inoas right now here in germany small and medium sized "non-direct-customer" companies still refuse to hire people that only speak English
# Jul 3rd 2017, 15:41 jeremyharris :)
# Jul 3rd 2017, 15:41 inoas ...o0O(and after that they lived happily ever after)