Log message #4047311

# At Username Text
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:25 neon1024 I don’t know how to release memory
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:25 neon1024 Sorry, I don’t understand how that would speed things up
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:24 juststeveking run through chunks and release memory as you go
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:23 juststeveking I would chunk it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:23 neon1024 Well, 3767 products today it would seem :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:22 neon1024 Anyone have any tips on how I can process a 4MB XML file with 4,000+ products in it, in an efficient way? I have written a shell, which loads the file, loops and saves to the database, but it takes about 45 minutes to run
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:21 juststeveking I am trying to build up a filter, but I need to see if the request was a GET or POST request, any ideas?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 11:09 pidlo savant and other component is now ok .. now i have next question i know crud scaffolding in older versions of cake. but now i am or mazbe trying use babel es6 in cake project. is tehre some reason how use it together (if i create template by crud then generate js (ES6 files with right names of files and variables from template js file)) and on success run nodejs gulp task to tranpile this files into javascript?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:55 juststeveking In the cake 2 event, can I get what sort of request I am returning? ie post/get
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:28 casmo Note to self: I should use this in the formatResults()
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:19 casmo No errors but my array is just indexed by an index instead of the id
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:19 casmo Am I missing something if I do this: $query->indexBy('id'); ?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:13 juststeveking THanks @savant I will look at these now
# Jul 3rd 2017, 10:00 savant some example blog posts on writing them: - http://josediazgonzalez.com/2013/12/13/simple-application-maintenance-mode/> - <http://josediazgonzalez.com/2013/12/03/hacking-the-cakephp-dispatch-system/
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:59 savant you want to write a DispatchFilter then: https://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/dispatch-filters.html
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:58 juststeveking I have never done it before :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:57 savant juststeveking: and what issues are you having?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:55 juststeveking Can anybody give advise on a cake 2 project ? I want to try and write my own middleware class that is basically an audit trail of who is going where and what they are viewing
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:52 jonasz thx @dakota , i'm going to try this one ;)
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:47 dakota Convert the result into a iso string using `toIso8601String` and use that
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:36 jonasz but still cakes results returns the object where 'timezone' => 'UTC', i cannot rectify this with constructor..hmm
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:35 jonasz i'm trying to do it through assertArraySubset with sth like FrozenTime::createFromTimestampUTC( strtotime('2016-10-05 14:18:42') )
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:34 jonasz Hi Guys, could you tell me how you are comparing FrozenTime instances in unit tests? I mean in the results from DB query, where you get FrozenTime rather than datetime string?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:32 birdy247 Proffer or upload plugin
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:32 birdy247 who we gona call?
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:32 birdy247 We are kicking off a new project and need file upload
# Jul 3rd 2017, 09:30 birdy247 Morning neon1024
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:57 kris Morning :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:53 pidlo in europe we have 11:00 :)
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:52 pidlo many tahnks if i comment constructor then pass parametes in initialize... many thanks..
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:51 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:48 savant When you call `loadComponent`, the options array is passed to the initialize() method. remove the `__construct` method completely, as you are removing the internal logic that makes a component work.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:48 savant You *dont* get an instance of a controller. It is loaded as a property of the controller.
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:47 pidlo savant and how can i get instance? i call loadComponent... but i cannot pass parameters in constuctor or in initialiye method....
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:19 savant it loads it as a property of the class
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:19 savant you dont get an instance of the SearchComp
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:19 pidlo savant ..https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f34b096e645db4f64ca1f3c5a5112485
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:18 birdy247 Thanks
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:18 birdy247 :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:17 savant sure
# Jul 3rd 2017, 08:16 birdy247 It works but is it advisable?