Log message #4046962

# At Username Text
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:42 spencdev Ahh okay, i knew about the collations, but all the columns are set to the same collation. I guess i'll go with a numerical check for int columns and string for string columns
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:41 savant for the columns you are searching
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:41 savant and you cant mix collations
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:41 savant you cant mix column types
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:41 spencdev @savant
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:40 spencdev but when I do that, I always get `Error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1271 Illegal mix of collations for operation 'match'` and it only seems to happen if I'm using the integer type columns
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:40 spencdev Well, I'm attempting to make a search that can be done with using the id, name, or other integers and string column types
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:01 savant @spencdev ^
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:01 savant string is fine but you need to specify a fulltext index
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:00 savant because it really only holds one value
# Jul 2nd 2017, 00:00 savant that doesnt really make sense for an integer
# Jul 1st 2017, 21:25 spencdev Not really a cakephp question, but can you not full text search a string and int column?
# Jul 1st 2017, 20:53 saeideng you can put it everywhere that you want :$
# Jul 1st 2017, 20:53 saeideng no
# Jul 1st 2017, 20:53 saeideng yes
# Jul 1st 2017, 20:40 adriencs where I can put a trait for my components ?
# Jul 1st 2017, 20:00 saeideng hello
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:58 hello11111 hello
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:47 saeideng but i need access to admin area by other url like site.com/admin123
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:46 saeideng ``` Router::prefix('admin', function ($routes) { ... ```
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:46 saeideng i using
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:45 saeideng is there a way to change admin prefix name without changing classes/foldders/files name?
# Jul 1st 2017, 19:44 saeideng hi
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:35 admad "https://crud-view.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic-usage.html#id2"
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:35 admad "blacklist the field so that it's not shown on form"
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:31 pidlo i have $this->addBehavior('Timestamp'); in PostsTable.php ...
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:21 admad "why are even changing modified field yourself? It's supposed to be handled by timestamp behavior"
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:20 pidlo i bootstrap i have Type::build('datetime') ->useImmutable();
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:20 pidlo because i would like in form dd.mm.yyyy date format
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:19 admad https://crud-view.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic-usage.html#id2
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:15 admad *blacklist
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:14 admad black the field so that it's not shown on form
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:14 admad why are even changing modified field yourself? It's supposed to be handled by timestamp behavior
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:11 pidlo ok admad i look for this in bootstrap
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:10 pidlo but i dont know if is the best reason for this
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:09 pidlo I found it $event->getSubject()->entity->modified = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime($event->getSubject()->entity->modified) );
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:06 admad As i already told you earlier db types are configured in bootsrap.
# Jul 1st 2017, 15:00 pidlo https://gist.github.com/anonymous/39deb8e1225c78ef0e7cfbaa8408292d
# Jul 1st 2017, 14:56 pidlo please help me i try change date format in view i use friendsofcake crud and view i set d.m.y i view but in before save method i have d.m.y but except Y-m-d timestamp for database..
# Jul 1st 2017, 14:23 pidlo App\Controller\AppController cannot use Cake\Database\Type - it is not a trait
# Jul 1st 2017, 14:23 pidlo hello where i can convert locale date in save record i add use \Cake\Database\Type; in appcontroller but i get error