Log message #4046708

# At Username Text
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:07 manuweg_ the error occurs in this function:
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ any ideas?
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ }
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $populator->execute(['validate' => false]);
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $this->out("Inserting");
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ ]);
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ 'password' => 'password',
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ 'email' => function () use ($faker) { return $faker->email(); },
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $populator->addEntity($entityPopulator, 20, [
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $populator = new \Faker\ORM\CakePHP\Populator($faker);
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $entityPopulator = new \Faker\ORM\CakePHP\EntityPopulator('Users');
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $faker->addProvider(new \Faker\Provider\Internet($faker));
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ $this->out("Creating user populator");
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ {
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ public function main()
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:02 manuweg_ my shell main function looks like this
# Jun 30th 2017, 13:01 manuweg_ fzaninotto/faker 1.5
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:59 manuweg_ gourmet/faker 1.0.3
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:59 manuweg_ am using cakephp 3.4.9
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:58 manuweg_ randomNumber() can only generate numbers up to mt_getrandmax() in [/Users/wegmershaus/Dropbox/Websites/public_html/cttpcake/vendor/fzaninotto/faker/src/Faker/Provider/Base.php, line 70]
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:58 manuweg_ I am trying to use faker to load some dummy data in my tables and am getting the error
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:17 heter thanks @spencdev
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:16 adriencs thanks @spencdev
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:15 spencdev https://github.com/josegonzalez/cakephp-entity/blob/master/ORM/TableRegistry.php
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:15 spencdev @adriencs Not sure if this will help, but check line 139.
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:13 spencdev @heter Not sure, but that is usually the way I do it.
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:12 adriencs any idea ?
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:12 adriencs I met a strange error today : `You cannot configure "Users", it already exists in the registry.`
# Jun 30th 2017, 12:12 heter another stupid question - is there better cake-way to glue couple of object (string) properties into a string? e.g. atm i have something like this: $string = ''; ```foreach($objects as $key => $object){ $string .= $object->prop.'/'; }```
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:50 heter good point, i usually do, no idea why i didnt checked it this time, im simply dumb today, anyway thanks for quick response ! cheers
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:49 admad you won't find every method mentioned in the book, need to check API too
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:49 heter oh, ye, i forget to check api rather than book :P
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:49 admad https://api.cakephp.org/3.4/class-Cake.ORM.Behavior.TreeBehavior.html
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:49 heter cause on description of tree behavior there's nothing about it
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:48 heter is it described anywhere in doc?
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:48 heter nope
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:48 admad @heter did you check findPath() ?
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:46 heter cakephp 3.4.x btw
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:46 heter i mean nested parents
# Jun 30th 2017, 11:46 heter hello there, i have question about tree behavior - ive got like child on 7th depth, is there any easy way that i can get all parents of record? something like we have with children but like parents ?