Log message #4046468

# At Username Text
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:13 savant What sort of advice are you looking for?
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:13 latour4 Can you please give me some advices?
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:12 latour4 I would want to start learning Cakephp and using as th framework with which i will build web applications
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:11 latour4 I have strong knowledge in procedural php and just the basics of php OOP
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:10 latour4 My name is El
# Jun 29th 2017, 22:10 latour4 Hello
# Jun 29th 2017, 21:51 maymeow that user fixture is in `CakeAuth/tests/Fixture/UsersFixture`
# Jun 29th 2017, 21:50 maymeow hi how can i set fixture for tests??? `Exception: Referenced fixture class "CakeService\Test\Fixture\UsersFixture" not found. Fixture "plugin.cake_service.users" was referenced in test case "CakeService\Test\TestCase\Model\Table\IssuesTableTest"`
# Jun 29th 2017, 21:00 savant yes
# Jun 29th 2017, 21:00 flashios09 ah ok this is like using `call_user_func([new MyClass(), 'myCallbackMethod'])`
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:54 savant https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.types.callable.php
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:53 flashios09 this is the first time that i see something like this
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:52 flashios09 *$callable* is an array, how we can use it as a function ?
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:50 flashios09 ``` $callable = [$this, $request->getParam('action')]; return $callable(...array_values($request->getParam('pass'))); ```
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:50 flashios09 can anyone explain to me this line ?
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:48 flashios09 hi
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:02 gutts oh. i had requirePresence(true). d'oh
# Jun 29th 2017, 20:00 gutts https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0aa7986d666c7e9faab5da374e3f14f5 why is this so vague? is it looking for a field [1] or what?
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:59 gutts sorry
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 gutts ]
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 gutts '_required' => 'This field is required'
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 gutts (int) 1 => [
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 gutts '[errors]' => [
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 urowe This is what I'm doing: $fb->request('POST', "/?id=" . urlencode('URL') . "andscrape=true");
# Jun 29th 2017, 19:58 urowe Hi everyone, have you guys worked with open graph? I need to update content from a link facebook already crawled
# Jun 29th 2017, 18:06 sitedyno oh i see, if the field is not present it's rule isn't applied nvm
# Jun 29th 2017, 18:01 sitedyno hello o/, are application rules applied to associations on save?
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:34 jarard you and me both ;0)
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:25 spencdev Nevermind, i'm an idiot.
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:24 jarard spencdev - you'r more likely to get a response if you gist your code
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:20 slackebot \DateTime('+30 days'),]) ->andWhere(['balloon_eoc >' => new \DateTime()]) ->orWhere(['insurance_exp <' => new \DateTime('+30 days'),]) ->andWhere(['insurance_exp >' = new \DateTime()]) ```
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:20 spencdev I'm struggling with what I believe to be a fairly easy sql statement, but it doesn't seem like it wants to work this way... What I want: `Assets WHERE (((balloon_eoc :c0 AND balloon_eoc > :c1)) OR (insurance_exp < :c2 AND insurance_exp > :c3)` What i'm getting `Assets WHERE (((balloon_eoc < :c0 AND balloon_eoc > :c1) OR insurance_exp < :c2) AND insurance_exp > :c3)` Query: ``` $assets = $assets->find('all') ->where(['balloon_eoc
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:13 jarard ndefined property: Cake\ORM\Query::$id
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:13 jarard then in method debug($property->id);
# Jun 29th 2017, 17:13 jarard in my edit method set the view var with $this->set('property', $this->Properties->find()->where($options));
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:49 NobbyNobbs it's a jquery 'conversion' that 's causing the problem.
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:48 NobbyNobbs nope, disregard this. Works just fine
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:36 NobbyNobbs requestHandler is enabled
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:36 dakota Some people only want to write PHP with no html
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:35 NobbyNobbs Am I doing sth wrong? Tried setting _jsonOptions, but still sends an array (list keys are ids, ergo integers) https://gist.github.com/NobbyNobbs38/de88041865b9a94e590ac1414f0885df
# Jun 29th 2017, 16:29 davinci I can see `charset()` maybe - so you can control it in some other place later...but this one just seems excessive.