Log message #4045492

# At Username Text
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:44 savant you just said charts
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:44 savant you didnt tell us your needs
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:44 cakephp721 in google charts I dont see the radar
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:44 savant googlechart is pretty good
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:43 cakephp721 I mean I build a sheleton and I'd like to put it a chart library that I'll use for my projects
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:43 adriencs googlechart seem fine @cakephp721
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:43 cakephp721 I'd like a general purpose library
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:42 adriencs still the same
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:42 savant what is the find
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:42 adriencs no fetched data without the behavior
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:41 adriencs yup
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:41 savant and see if it works
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:41 savant detach it
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:40 adriencs if there is a translation, it fetch dataz like a contain
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:40 adriencs it do the same with all things that have the behavior so I guess that's the problem
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:39 savant yeye
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:39 savant guess translate hooks into beforeFind or something
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:39 savant ok
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:39 adriencs `$query->find()->innerJoinWith('Jobs')...`
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:37 savant what was your find
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:36 adriencs like 'I found a translation for your job label, so here is the data ..'
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:36 adriencs @savant figured out that the fetched data with `innerJoinWith` is caused by the Translate behavior
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:22 savant what kind of charts did you create?
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:22 savant cakephp271: does your code not work now
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 cakephp721 data that I took from the model
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 savant mecharts
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 savant savantcharts
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 adriencs @savant charts ? :partyparrot:
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 savant *highcharts
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:21 savant what did you render with hoghcharts
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:20 adriencs designed for Cake ? nope
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:20 cakephp721 or plugins?
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:19 cakephp721 yes, but there are some helper available for those?
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:19 adriencs https://developers.google.com/chart/> or <https://d3js.org/
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:18 cakephp721 I'm on cake 2
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:18 adriencs seem obvious
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:18 cakephp721 so I have to find an alternative
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:18 cakephp721 but after some time I realized that is not free for me
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:18 adriencs seem nice
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:17 cakephp721 called 'Highcharts'
# Jun 28th 2017, 09:17 cakephp721 I've used a plugin to render charts