Log message #4045388

# At Username Text
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:51 savant change your error settings to report everything
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:51 savant but too drunk to find the copy paste code
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:51 savant yes
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:50 bernat Is there a way to configure error handling so that all PHP messages including warnings and notices go to the error log?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:48 bernat no worries. :)
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 Now I feel silly ;)
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 Thanks @barnat
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:48 bernat I don't know how that would work but it might have the effect you're seeing.
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:48 neon1024 Hah!
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:47 neon1024 Oh yes, so I do
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:47 bernat you have duplicated validation rules for package_id.
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:45 neon1024 As i can add offers from two places in my cms, I need to conditionally validate it
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:45 neon1024 Perhaps I should go check the core test suite
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:45 neon1024 Exactly
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:45 bernat you are seeing the validation message but the callback doesn't run?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:44 neon1024 Yeh, https://pastebin.com/fwdn2EYh
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:44 neon1024 As I can even change the validation message and the entity reflects that change
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:44 bernat Then something must be wrong in your validation code. Are you returning the validator?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:43 neon1024 Yep
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:42 bernat is the right field populated after patchEntity?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:42 neon1024 Well you’ve told it to use 3 fields, and you’re surprised it’s using 3 fields?!
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:42 vix please help ->setDisplayField in model with 3 fields. In HTML Select its showing A;B;C . How to get rid of this semi colon? Thanx in advance
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:40 neon1024 Yes
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:40 bernat in OffersTable?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:39 neon1024 @barnat Inside my callback method, https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/validation.html#conditional-validation
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:39 bernat neon1024, where are you putting the exit staments?
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:39 vix setDisplayField in model with 3 fields. In HTML Select its showing 1;2;3 . How to get rid of this semi colon? Thanx in advance
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:38 hmic yes
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 I’m almost certain that patchEntity calls validation, rather than save
# Jun 28th 2017, 08:37 neon1024 I’m using patchEntity to patch my Package entity, with associated Offers through a hasMany. I’ve created a callback method in my validation for Offers.package_id, with a var_dump();exit; - but it’s not being called, as I have a var_dump(); exit; after the patchEntity() in my controller. What am I missing? Why aren’t the validation methods exit statements being reached?
# Jun 28th 2017, 07:30 adriencs o/
# Jun 28th 2017, 07:24 neon1024 Morning all
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:50 rudy1976s thank you
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:50 savant Crud-view.readthedocs.io
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:49 savant It's linked there
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:49 savant Go to the repo
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:49 savant At a bar
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:42 rudy1976s @savant where can I find official doc for crudview ? I lost the link
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:28 savant Yep
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:28 josexato @savant thanks, you mean something like this? src/Template/Recipes/json/myfunc.ctp
# Jun 28th 2017, 06:24 savant Going to work on 0.9.0 next, with a bunch of love for index filtering