Log message #4033789

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2017, 11:54 elcms nope, Linux
# May 30th 2017, 11:54 HenriqueMachado elcms: are you using windows?
# May 30th 2017, 11:54 elcms Exception: Could not bind to tcp:// Address already in use in [/var/www/html/vendor/react/socket/src/Server.php, line 91]
# May 30th 2017, 11:53 elcms I'm having an error when I do "bin/cake WyriHaximus/Ratchet.websocket start"
# May 30th 2017, 11:52 elcms Hi WyriHaximus ! i'm trying to setup your ratchet plugin for Cakephp3, but can't start it...
# May 30th 2017, 09:04 saeideng for validate you need use patchEntity() or newEntity()
# May 30th 2017, 09:03 adithya @justrohu thank you mate!
# May 30th 2017, 09:01 justrohu @aditya - If you are not running any validations then you can directly use query builders insert method to insert the data into the table. look here https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#inserting-data
# May 30th 2017, 08:59 justrohu @adithya - you need to apply patchEntity before saving the record
# May 30th 2017, 08:44 kareylo Why the f*** some guys dev something like this ... ? http://ffffidget.com/
# May 30th 2017, 08:41 kareylo Cakefest : D-8 !
# May 30th 2017, 07:47 nizam27391 its an old project.,.. the client have strict policy about updating apps/software even if its security patch.. btw im gonna try it first and see if it works
# May 30th 2017, 07:44 saeideng 2.9
# May 30th 2017, 07:44 saeideng now is cake 9
# May 30th 2017, 07:43 saeideng cake 2.4?why?
# May 30th 2017, 07:43 nizam27391 will try that
# May 30th 2017, 07:43 nizam27391 yeah sure..
# May 30th 2017, 07:43 nizam27391 im using cakephp 2.4
# May 30th 2017, 07:42 saeideng after that report this issue on github.com/cakephp/cakephp
# May 30th 2017, 07:38 saeideng first of all update your core ans see result
# May 30th 2017, 07:37 saeideng cakephp
# May 30th 2017, 07:37 saeideng your akephp version ?
# May 30th 2017, 07:34 nizam27391 apache 2.4, php 5.6
# May 30th 2017, 07:34 nizam27391 im using laragon
# May 30th 2017, 07:34 nizam27391 yeap..
# May 30th 2017, 07:34 nizam27391 yeap.. im on windows..
# May 30th 2017, 07:33 saeideng your project runs correctly on server?
# May 30th 2017, 07:33 saeideng you are in windows?
# May 30th 2017, 07:32 saeideng BACKSLASH
# May 30th 2017, 07:30 nizam27391 example like this
# May 30th 2017, 07:30 saeideng ?
# May 30th 2017, 07:30 saeideng when using `$this->Html->link()`
# May 30th 2017, 07:29 saeideng just `%5C`?
# May 30th 2017, 07:27 nizam27391 hi.. im nizam from malaysia.. I have an issue with cakephp 2.x.. This is an old project that i've previously working on. and we want to revamp the project and hence i downloaded the code to my local setup.. Everything is fine except that for URL.. its always adding %5C to links.. this includes my css, js, images and files.. Anyone knows about it?
# May 30th 2017, 07:20 saeideng test `inline code`
# May 30th 2017, 07:19 saeideng ``` code ```
# May 30th 2017, 07:19 saeideng ```test ```
# May 30th 2017, 07:16 saeideng how i can use code block in slack
# May 30th 2017, 07:16 saeideng another question
# May 30th 2017, 07:14 saeideng ..... $this->render('another_ctp_file'); $this->set('_serialize', []); //not works
# May 30th 2017, 07:13 saeideng works well