Log message #4033352

# At Username Text
# May 29th 2017, 12:31 dereuromark nots exactly how you should probably not do it :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 29th 2017, 12:31 chris-andre Ok. thanks @rchavik
# May 29th 2017, 12:30 chris-andre I'm creating a custom sessionhandler (UserDatabaseSession), and I want to pull the user id out of $data to store it in Sessions.user_id
# May 29th 2017, 12:30 rchavik chris-andre: see php serialize() vs deserialize()
# May 29th 2017, 12:29 chris-andre Is there a smooth way to read a data string like this? `"Config|a:1:{s:4:\"time\";i:1496010967;}Auth|a:1:{s:4:\"User\";a:13:{s:2:\"id\";i:1;s:10:\"first_name\"`
# May 29th 2017, 12:09 inoas (one way data flow/binding and immutability/store copy is good however)
# May 29th 2017, 12:09 inoas redux I have to say is far to abstracted and complex... though we are using it
# May 29th 2017, 12:09 inoas the only js stuff that was too my liking so far was jQuery and ReactJS
# May 29th 2017, 12:00 kareylo I hate expressjs ... :(
# May 29th 2017, 11:47 heter so i needed to separate their sessions
# May 29th 2017, 11:46 heter actually i already found it out, ive had collisision between backend and frontend users (dont ask why they cannot work on same table)
# May 29th 2017, 11:45 dereuromark why is that necessary?
# May 29th 2017, 11:31 heter hi there, Auth Component -> is there any way to change the key on which user is stored ?
# May 29th 2017, 11:09 pedroseco hi guys, anyone using psysh console for debugging?
# May 29th 2017, 10:57 bernat thanks
# May 29th 2017, 10:55 bernat Obviously I was making it harder than it is. :)
# May 29th 2017, 10:51 hmic attach there
# May 29th 2017, 10:51 bernat hmic: what if it's just for a model?
# May 29th 2017, 10:39 hmic bernat, if you need them to be attached applicationwide, sure
# May 29th 2017, 10:07 bernat Hi. I'm starting to use events in cakephp3. Is it common practice to attach listeners in the bootstrap file?
# May 29th 2017, 09:10 medic thanks @kareylo . I will test it.
# May 29th 2017, 09:08 kareylo @medic https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/collections.html#Cake\Collection\Collection::chunk
# May 29th 2017, 08:53 medic I'm talking using a cakephp sql statement.
# May 29th 2017, 08:51 hmic with the orm the results are streamable, so you can use the technique i was talking about too: chunk the result (collection!) of your query and save the chunks individually, instead of all records at once.
# May 29th 2017, 08:50 hmic if its an sql result you can do "insert into ... select from" syntax with mysql at least
# May 29th 2017, 08:49 medic My data is returned from the search results. After I give add all to array, then i using saveMany();
# May 29th 2017, 08:47 hmic we are talking about an async task anyways here. just to make sure!
# May 29th 2017, 08:47 hmic you can use the collection class to split a large dataset into chunks, while not needing to load all the data upfront, so memory footprint will be doable
# May 29th 2017, 08:46 kareylo Or create a seed (lel)
# May 29th 2017, 08:46 hmic saving large amounts at once is a bad idea. multiple tasks will help too to speed it up
# May 29th 2017, 08:46 kareylo +1
# May 29th 2017, 08:46 hmic medic: iterate.
# May 29th 2017, 08:23 medic Hi All, I have question about process data when save to DB. I want save more 1 billions records from table to other table. I using saveMany() but not good. Any good solution to help me. Thanks!
# May 29th 2017, 06:36 kareylo @joshuaso91 What's the request you make ?
# May 29th 2017, 04:06 alex-xhs456 @admad That did it, thanks!
# May 29th 2017, 03:50 admad @alex-xhs456: use 'hiddenField' false in form->input options to prevent anything being submitted
# May 29th 2017, 03:49 josh_rodarte I figured it out. I Deleted session files for apache. Had a blackout, probably what caused it.
# May 29th 2017, 03:45 alex-xhs456 Have a question with 2.9. A form as a Yes / No radiobutton. If I don't select anything it will submit the field and an empty value ("question": "") which is saved as 'false' in the db (TINYINT(1) field that is nullable). I want it to be NULL instead. Should I make sure the field is not included on submit or look somewhere else?
# May 29th 2017, 03:42 josh_rodarte I see it is a ghost error in the repo. great lol
# May 29th 2017, 03:17 josh_rodarte I suddenly am getting the error, "Session was already started". The error output is only showing core files. How can I locate the problem?
# May 29th 2017, 03:13 Lander It returns articles with only comments from "markstory" or only articles that were commented by "markstory"?