Log message #4030242

# At Username Text
# May 19th 2017, 07:41 abc__ anybody :D
# May 19th 2017, 07:39 abc__ $this->Bookmarks->tags->get($id) or something
# May 19th 2017, 07:39 abc__ i have 3 table, bookmarks, tags and bookmarks_tags, what query should i use to fetch a record from bookmarks_tags table?
# May 19th 2017, 07:14 slackebot this data and pass to every mailer, but maybe there's better way?
# May 19th 2017, 07:14 heter hi guys, ive got kind of architectural question, ive got email template where i have social media icons, other contact bullshit details, obviously i want to give my client access to change it whenever he wants, whats the best way to pass this data to every mailer ? i think its pointless to pass this as part of data for every mailer, can i do it kind of globally? so every mailer will just have it ? i was considering of just use some trait which
# May 19th 2017, 04:58 slackebot App\Model\Table\PaymentsTable::validationCustomerBalance(), called in .... One question: Why ?
# May 19th 2017, 04:58 slackebot $userid = $context['providers']['passed']['userid']; } I dont get why there is validator('default'), it should be *custom*? My code: $this->Payments->validator('CustomerBalance')->provider('passed', [ 'count' => 1000 ]); $this->Payments->patchEntity($payment, $toSave, [ 'validate' => 'CustomerBalance' ]); Warning (2): Missing argument 2 for
# May 19th 2017, 04:58 laahudra Hey! according to: If you need to pass additional data to your validation methods such as the current user’s id, you can use a custom dynamic provider from your controller. $this->Examples->validator('default')->provider('passed', [ 'count' => $countFromController, 'userid' => $this->Auth->user('id') ]); Then ensure that your validation method has the second context parameter. public function customValidationMethod($check, array
# May 19th 2017, 04:32 djbuss can I still have a tableless model like using array source ?
# May 19th 2017, 04:31 robertpustulka @igreat can you show your composer file? Also did you refresh autoloader? (`composer dumpa`)
# May 19th 2017, 04:30 theJoeCool ?
# May 19th 2017, 04:30 theJoeCool Hi, how can i dentify an user using the AuthComponent but from Cookies, I'm able to get the information to generae the validation but at the moment of identify() the user i get false
# May 19th 2017, 01:08 royalty thanks anyways gents have a good one
# May 19th 2017, 01:08 royalty anyway I suppose i don't need that anymore
# May 19th 2017, 00:43 royalty then unlink them?
# May 19th 2017, 00:43 royalty is it possible to load associations on the fly
# May 19th 2017, 00:36 royalty wew
# May 19th 2017, 00:36 royalty by finding someone else who already figured it out
# May 19th 2017, 00:36 royalty i figured out how to filter on join data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31643906/cakephp-3-x-hasmany-through-association-find
# May 19th 2017, 00:28 royalty if you have the behavior set
# May 19th 2017, 00:28 royalty anyways created and modified should get autofilled
# May 19th 2017, 00:27 royalty i don't think you understood me
# May 19th 2017, 00:27 royalty huh
# May 19th 2017, 00:27 FThoc as book says
# May 19th 2017, 00:26 FThoc royalty, I create these files manually.
# May 19th 2017, 00:25 Leonardo_0112 Well, I got it! it's a Router::connect '/baz/:action/*' that was causing it. Solved!
# May 19th 2017, 00:21 Leonardo_0112 Hi! I've a question in this pastebin: https://pastebin.com/McdxavfK
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 royalty let the ORM do it for you
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 royalty there is no need to set/unset them for any reason
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 royalty just make sure you aren't altering them
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 FThoc touch?
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 royalty are you doing anything to touch the values before save?
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 royalty okay
# May 19th 2017, 00:10 FThoc created and modified
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 FThoc yep
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 FThoc it was here from the beginning
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 royalty do you have a created datetime field
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 FThoc Yep, I add it but no effect
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 royalty $this->addBehavior('Timestamp');
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 royalty the TimeStamp behavior
# May 19th 2017, 00:09 royalty yeah you just need to add the behavior in initialize