Log message #3977526

# At Username Text
# Jan 22nd 2017, 14:15 hmic temp1029: as auth usually gets configured in the appcontroller and you do have different requirements for the both sections, that sounds like different appcontrollers for both sections to me. i certainly did so :p
# Jan 22nd 2017, 14:12 temp1029 i'm creating an admin section, which has an auth piece to it, and then a public facing section, which has no need for auth, does it make sense to use multiple appcontrollers in this case? my first thought it yes, but i am just using one now and I'm not seeing any issues, although i've barely built out the public facing piece
# Jan 22nd 2017, 14:09 admad @temp1029 you can do either depending on your needs
# Jan 22nd 2017, 14:06 temp1029 if i'm using a prefix, should I create a unique AppController file for that entire prefix, or should all prefixs use the same AppController file?
# Jan 22nd 2017, 13:26 keith So that I can contain the same table twice
# Jan 22nd 2017, 13:25 keith How do I alias a contain in a query?
# Jan 22nd 2017, 12:46 chi_ help
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:27 al_x_mq ok, give it a shot. thanks
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:27 savant copy the ones from bake into your app, then edit the templates (there are like 4 of them) to show exactly what you want to show
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:26 savant and then just customize the bake templates as you want.
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:26 al_x_mq so its really just backend
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:26 savant so do this: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/bake/development.html#customizing-the-bake-templates
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:25 al_x_mq therefore the nav is build in the templates i would need to edit every single template
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:25 al_x_mq but the navigation on the left - coming with the standard bake theme - is not what i am looking for.. the users that will use this will not understand how it works....
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:24 al_x_mq i creating a backend
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:22 savant can you explain further what you are trying to do
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:22 al_x_mq @savant actuallly i was looking for something that i can just put in.. because the standard template is not working for my case
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:14 savant which covers the syntax
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:14 savant we have that
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:14 savant https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/bake/development.html#bake-template-syntax
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:14 savant what do you mean
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:08 al_x_mq somewhere...
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:08 al_x_mq is there a overview for bake templates?
# Jan 22nd 2017, 10:08 al_x_mq morning fellows
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:43 GutaFish thanks
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:43 GutaFish I didnt know why would etend connection…
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:43 savant forgot that className is used at a different level
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:43 GutaFish ok… then Im on correct way :)
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:43 savant sorry yeah, driver
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:42 savant driver
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:39 GutaFish yes, but If I want to extend driver I must change [‘driver’] not [‘connection’] key ? Or Im missing something ?
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:38 savant you can customize what class it uses there.
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:38 GutaFish yes
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:38 savant app.php contains your connection info under the `database` section
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:37 GutaFish savant: if I want to extend driver then I must change dervier section in app config not connection ?
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:34 halfdan no worries, thanks @savant
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:33 savant sorry
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:33 savant i dont use route redirects normally though, so I cant be sure
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:31 savant @halfdan might be the order in which you set the redirect
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:31 savant now just tell your database connection to use your connection class
# Jan 22nd 2017, 08:31 savant you did extend it