Log message #3941188

# At Username Text
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:06 thinkingmedia actually, that's the same as just subtracting from the current time.
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:05 thinkingmedia ``` where($query->newExpr("DATE_ADD(created, INTERVAL 2 HOUR) > NOW()")) ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:04 ra7bi what do you mean ? it's a query for fetching all participants
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:04 thinkingmedia is this for mysql?
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:03 ra7bi i want where created+2hours > current time
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:03 ra7bi this is my Query
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:03 ra7bi ``` $query = $this->Participants->find() ->where(['created >'=>Time::now()->addHours(2)]); ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:02 thinkingmedia ``` $this->find()->where(['created'=>$query->
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 thinkingmedia ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 thinkingmedia f**k
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 thinkingmedia ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 thinkingmedia ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 ra7bi not current time
# Oct 1st 2016, 01:01 ra7bi if i do ``` 'created >'=>Time::now()->addHours(2) ``` it will show me where current time plus 2 hours , i want where created plus 2 hours
# Oct 1st 2016, 00:43 thinkingmedia that is an exact match for `created`. You want to use `created >=` or `created <=` depending on what you want.
# Oct 1st 2016, 00:18 graziel (Time::now())->addHours(2)
# Oct 1st 2016, 00:10 ra7bi how should i do it
# Oct 1st 2016, 00:10 ra7bi i want to say Where created + 2hour > current time ``` ->where(['created'=>Time::now()->addHours(2)]); ```
# Oct 1st 2016, 00:01 graziel (new \Cake\I18n\Time())->addHours(2)
# Sep 30th 2016, 23:50 ra7bi how i can add two hour to Time::now() ?
# Sep 30th 2016, 22:32 prepender cakephp 3*
# Sep 30th 2016, 22:32 prepender In cakephp what is faster unions or subqueries?
# Sep 30th 2016, 22:08 harry1 can anyone help with this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39780485/cakephp-crud-api-filtering-fields
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:49 ndm http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/retrieving-data-and-resultsets.html#filtering-by-associated-data
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:48 ndm @ra7bi What the best way might be always depends... `notMatching('Addresses')` however is most probably the easiest
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:46 ra7bi :upside_down_face:
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:45 savant ah shit, dat copy paste :P
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:44 Unfaiir Ty
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:43 savant its deployed via docker and dokku: Note: We've since updated the nginx-vhosts support in 0.5.0 to be more rigorously tested and flexible in it's handling of various use cases.
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:43 savant Unfaiir: we use sphinx
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:38 ra7bi what it the best way to find all records do not have associated records for example , if i have users and address i want to get all users that do not have address ,
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:38 Unfaiir What does cakephp.org use for its documentation?
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:33 ra7bi hello
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:06 dereuromark hehe, well
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:05 NickBusey if step 1 of the docs and tutorials were 'install cakebox' I'm sure it'd be used much more
# Sep 30th 2016, 21:05 NickBusey I'm pretty sure I've been through all the docs and don't remember seeing it mentioned anywhere
# Sep 30th 2016, 20:54 dereuromark If it was used more actively, I bet there would be so much knowledge around it and you can program with it on windows, mac and ubuntu exactly the same
# Sep 30th 2016, 20:53 dereuromark I wondered today why not soo many people use cakebox, it looks like a really awesome idea
# Sep 30th 2016, 20:53 NickBusey huh, hadn't seen cakebox before, looks pretty cool. I've been using puphpet
# Sep 30th 2016, 20:42 dereuromark but even so, they are just not properly used, cakebox is not finding them
# Sep 30th 2016, 20:42 dereuromark well, I wouldnt version control them :slightly_smiling_face: use bower