Log message #3883967

# At Username Text
# May 31st 2016, 01:04 royalty sure, i'll try that
# May 31st 2016, 01:04 royalty hmmm
# May 31st 2016, 01:02 flashios09 2- parse it manually using Cake\I18n\Time::parse method
# May 31st 2016, 01:01 flashios09 1- if you will patch/new the entity, this will parse and re-convert it to date object
# May 31st 2016, 01:01 flashios09 you have too choice
# May 31st 2016, 01:01 flashios09 and get the request data then
# May 31st 2016, 01:00 flashios09 when you submit the form
# May 31st 2016, 01:00 flashios09 just use i18nFormat()
# May 31st 2016, 01:00 flashios09 in the view when you need convert the var to any format
# May 31st 2016, 00:59 flashios09 always set the date as object to the view layer
# May 31st 2016, 00:59 royalty brb
# May 31st 2016, 00:59 royalty I was messing with the form input templates
# May 31st 2016, 00:59 royalty i kind of got it but failed at it at the same time, were you able to do it?
# May 31st 2016, 00:59 royalty I was trying to make cake automagically create datepickers for all date time field
# May 31st 2016, 00:58 royalty hmmm
# May 31st 2016, 00:58 flashios09 yes
# May 31st 2016, 00:58 royalty you do it in the view?
# May 31st 2016, 00:58 flashios09 inside a controller/model
# May 31st 2016, 00:57 royalty I thought my code should do it... https://gist.github.com/Modicrumb/b2552300ffe8c67ee63f4ab6512dd491
# May 31st 2016, 00:57 flashios09 ``` $date_var->i18nFormat('...'); // any format you want to use ```
# May 31st 2016, 00:57 flashios09 from object to string(inside the view layer)
# May 31st 2016, 00:56 flashios09 i have a datepicker too
# May 31st 2016, 00:56 flashios09 use a method that convert the date to a string
# May 31st 2016, 00:56 royalty on the edit action
# May 31st 2016, 00:55 royalty because I am using a datetime picker field instead of the default selects and i want it to populate the field
# May 31st 2016, 00:55 royalty it keeps returning an object however
# May 31st 2016, 00:55 flashios09 why ?
# May 31st 2016, 00:54 royalty i am trying to change this via the getter method in the entity
# May 31st 2016, 00:54 royalty instead of a date object
# May 31st 2016, 00:54 royalty suppose i want cakephp to return a string
# May 30th 2016, 23:12 LckyBy517 doh
# May 30th 2016, 23:12 LckyBy517 haha nvm read the note XD
# May 30th 2016, 23:02 LckyBy517 so i'm looking at my data set returned from the awesome stupid query earlier today and notice that all the datasets include the UUID field, is there an easy way to NOT get the UUID column?
# May 30th 2016, 23:00 hmic im pretty certain as the action is Crud.Index not Crud.index for sure...
# May 30th 2016, 22:57 Axel___ I will see if this is in fact the issue. But it looks like it is
# May 30th 2016, 22:57 hmic this is very easy and fast to setup and will help you a lot in this regard
# May 30th 2016, 22:56 hmic !tell Axel___ about cakebox
# May 30th 2016, 22:56 hmic my tip: from now on, develop an a system thats as close as possible to the production environment and/or know the implications well!
# May 30th 2016, 22:55 hmic change to Crud.Index and the problem will be solved - but keep in mind: if you have not *very* strickly sticked to the right casing, you are in trouble and need to fix *lots* of errors like that
# May 30th 2016, 22:55 Axel___ oh
# May 30th 2016, 22:54 hmic the windows (and default mac) filesystems are not case sensitive, linux is!