Log message #3883860

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2016, 17:42 graziel no problem
# May 30th 2016, 17:41 huhwatnou slackebot, thank you!
# May 30th 2016, 17:41 graziel huhwatnou security [at] http://cakephp.org|cakephp.org
# May 30th 2016, 17:41 huhwatnou seems a good idea not to post it to a publicly accessible spot
# May 30th 2016, 17:40 huhwatnou slackebot, do you know the email address for security issues or where i can find it?
# May 30th 2016, 17:40 tzvika hmic, thanks , beforerender did the job!
# May 30th 2016, 17:39 hmic the request is available on purpose. if the data is in there, you might use it. if not, appcontroller beforerender or bevorerender eventlistener
# May 30th 2016, 17:38 tzvika yes , but if is set it in the controller it would look cleaner in layout, right?
# May 30th 2016, 17:37 hmic pro tip: the request is available from the view as from the controller, so $this->request works from the view too, which lets you access the session and auth directly
# May 30th 2016, 17:36 hmic use appcontroller beforeRender callback, or set an eventlistener for the beforeRender event
# May 30th 2016, 17:36 tzvika hmic - you are right :)
# May 30th 2016, 17:36 hmic so: how can i set a variable to be available to any view/layout?
# May 30th 2016, 17:35 hmic and your question is not about a specific view or layout in this case.
# May 30th 2016, 17:35 hmic tzvika, you could use the appcontroller
# May 30th 2016, 17:34 tzvika hmic, but thats specific to one controller, i need it in all of them
# May 30th 2016, 17:33 hmic tzvika, all vars you set are available to the view. Controller->set('username', $user->username);
# May 30th 2016, 17:33 unholyknight Is there a better way, short of combining data in the controller, to combine form fields which handle the same type relational data before saving?
# May 30th 2016, 17:32 tzvika how do i set a variable which will be avaliable to all views? for example i need to display the username in the layout
# May 30th 2016, 17:30 graziel huhwatnou if its security issue there is special mail for that kind
# May 30th 2016, 17:28 huhwatnou @hmic, forget my last remark, it does occur in 2.8.4. I will file an issue.
# May 30th 2016, 17:26 hmic Diego__, sounds good!
# May 30th 2016, 17:26 Diego__ something like: $this->User->association('Contacts')->saveStrategy('replace');
# May 30th 2016, 17:25 huhwatnou @hmic, it does not seem to be fixed, but the issue does not occur in 2.x's current version. probably because of refactoring.
# May 30th 2016, 17:25 Diego__ hmm, i think i found something: http://api.cakephp.org/3.2/class-Cake.ORM.Association.html show the method strategy() as setter for select strategy option, there is no mention for saveStrategy() but aparently it exist and work
# May 30th 2016, 17:23 hmic huhwatnou, check if its fixed in 2.x current, if not - open an issue *PLEASE*
# May 30th 2016, 17:23 hmic it gets only executed once you iterate it...
# May 30th 2016, 17:23 huhwatnou @hmic, thank you. I will not submit the issue then, to save us all some time.
# May 30th 2016, 17:22 hmic because your sql query is invalid
# May 30th 2016, 17:22 LckyBy517 i meant i couldn't figure out why that line would cause it not to serialize
# May 30th 2016, 17:22 hmic if there is a security flaw, 2.8 is still supported and - if not already - will fix it in the next release
# May 30th 2016, 17:22 LckyBy517 yeah i know, i serialize it after :P
# May 30th 2016, 17:21 hmic huhwatnou, you are supposed to upgrade to the latest 2.x release
# May 30th 2016, 17:21 hmic even though the association does alredy exist, you could add it by the same name. if thats no help, try $table->hasMany(...) or $table->belongsToMan(...) to configure it - might not work, but looks promising
# May 30th 2016, 17:21 huhwatnou Hi guys, is 2.7.11 still supported? I just bumped on a security issue...
# May 30th 2016, 17:20 hmic Diego__, did you try using it?
# May 30th 2016, 17:18 hmic but there is no json genereated from this line anyways
# May 30th 2016, 17:18 hmic sounds odd
# May 30th 2016, 17:17 LckyBy517 i just removed the table name and just left name and it worked
# May 30th 2016, 17:17 LckyBy517 LOL i know that doesn't but if i just ended with all it was fine haha
# May 30th 2016, 17:16 hmic as i said, if lots of data, you might hit a OOM condition. these usually get reported where they are hit, so all over the place in the callstack
# May 30th 2016, 17:15 hmic this does not do any json