Log message #3883451

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2016, 14:44 bravo-kernel not even thinking about having to setup travis nginx if I would go that route :scream:
# May 30th 2016, 14:44 bravo-kernel I guess my question is: any way to catch this using a Cake testcase or should I just start testing with curl?
# May 30th 2016, 14:43 bravo-kernel makes kinda sense since the echo is appearing in my console
# May 30th 2016, 14:43 Eax mriec My issue is that the wrong URL gets entered in to $this->Auth->redirectUrl()
# May 30th 2016, 14:43 mriec Eax: yep you can access request object anywhere in controller using $this->request http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/controllers/request-response.html
# May 30th 2016, 14:42 bravo-kernel this shows up in the raw json response in Postman but not in my `$this->_response->body()`
# May 30th 2016, 14:42 bravo-kernel The problem is it is not detecting (deliberately) malformed response, I added an `echo` in my controller
# May 30th 2016, 14:42 Eax mriec Oh, request it as a feature?
# May 30th 2016, 14:41 mriec Eax -> maybe request dependent reconfigure component in AppController... **
# May 30th 2016, 14:41 bravo-kernel I am building a test to see if my app responds with a valid json response like described here http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/testing.html#testing-a-json-responding-controller
# May 30th 2016, 14:41 hmic doing a custom datatype/marshaller
# May 30th 2016, 14:41 mriec Eax -> maybe request dereconfigure component in AppController...
# May 30th 2016, 14:40 hmic kants, send correct data?
# May 30th 2016, 14:40 kants How can i ge rid on this
# May 30th 2016, 14:40 kants The provided value is invalid
# May 30th 2016, 14:40 kants Getting validation error when i send a custom datetime format
# May 30th 2016, 14:34 Eax Hey folks - In Cake3, is it possible to exclude som URLs from Auth redirectUrl? To explain: I have some AJAX calls that getting mixed in and the user is redirected to their URL instead of the actual URL
# May 30th 2016, 14:22 mriec thanks for your time
# May 30th 2016, 14:22 mriec OK so the only one way is to allow debug kit in bootstrap.php
# May 30th 2016, 14:21 ypnos it is just the default to be activated only in that case
# May 30th 2016, 14:21 ypnos debug_kit is not limited to running in debug=true
# May 30th 2016, 14:21 mriec hmmm... maybe modification of bootstrap.php would make the magic
# May 30th 2016, 14:20 mriec there are no errors, let's say I need debug toolbar
# May 30th 2016, 14:19 ypnos you can find all errors there
# May 30th 2016, 14:19 ypnos have you considered having a look at the log file?
# May 30th 2016, 14:18 mriec hello folks... how to debug page that I am serving on error 404? when debug=true, I can see page which hold information about error (stack trace)... when I set debug=false, I can see page which I want to debug... but there are not debug tools present, since debug=false :) someone knows some magic which would help me?
# May 30th 2016, 13:44 Axel___ I'll see if I can upgrade it. As we have already built a lot of things on 3.1
# May 30th 2016, 13:42 hmic upgrade! there have been changes
# May 30th 2016, 13:41 Axel___ I am currently on 3.1.4
# May 30th 2016, 13:41 hmic and you are on 3.2.10?
# May 30th 2016, 13:41 Axel___ I am reading http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/migrations.html#generating-migrations-from-an-existing-database
# May 30th 2016, 13:39 hmic Axel___, have you read the docs?
# May 30th 2016, 13:37 Axel___ Also if I try to do --require-table it only creates a single table in the file
# May 30th 2016, 13:36 Axel___ Hi, I am trying to bake some migration snapshots for a plugin. But when i do the command migration_snapshot Initial with --connection and --plugin it creates the file but empty. I have created all my models using the bakery. Has anyone had this issue before?
# May 30th 2016, 13:24 slackebot Action: dereuromark pokes cakephp523
# May 30th 2016, 13:24 cakephp523 teste
# May 30th 2016, 13:23 dereuromark either way, we can probably drop it at this point now.
# May 30th 2016, 13:23 barduck *cake
# May 30th 2016, 13:23 barduck no, I didnâ??t. I answered a follow up question â??why not use case?"
# May 30th 2016, 13:22 dereuromark you did continue to rent about it for quite some more time though :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 30th 2016, 13:22 barduck just asked for a suggestion, if anyone may had it, nothing more