Log message #3882971

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2016, 09:02 JohnWayne Which hashing system use ckaphp 3 for passwords
# May 30th 2016, 08:56 phpcoder thanks ionas !
# May 30th 2016, 08:56 phpcoder )
# May 30th 2016, 08:55 rubyan nope. Fatal error: Call to undefined method Cake\I18n\Time::week()
# May 30th 2016, 08:54 hmic ->week()
# May 30th 2016, 08:54 rubyan To get the current weeknumber, why cant I do Cake\I18n\Time::now()->week ?
# May 30th 2016, 08:53 ionas or in your Amsterdam branch ;)
# May 30th 2016, 08:53 hmic sure
# May 30th 2016, 08:53 ionas in Germany?
# May 30th 2016, 08:53 hmic ionas, im in the office already
# May 30th 2016, 08:51 ionas anyone of you guys still wants to have a bite or dirnk something? hmic?
# May 30th 2016, 08:51 ionas have a great afternoon, I feel a bit sad that I have to go home from cakefest now
# May 30th 2016, 08:50 ionas phpcoder: if you are using the opt-out feature you may want to consider adding the clause()->traverse() trick to the book as a PR to the docs <3
# May 30th 2016, 08:48 ionas you will be happier later not repeating my mistakes :pö
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas got it?
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 phpcoder yes ok
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas instead of hacking opt-out
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 phpcoder yeah there could be many
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas you might want to consider fixing your query composition
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas however as I said
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas maybe :)
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 phpcoder ionas, maybe i can read the "matching" property of the Query object
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas ~book
# May 30th 2016, 08:47 ionas leftJoinWith, innerJoinWith, etc. etc
# May 30th 2016, 08:46 ionas donâ??t forget that there is also leftJoin(), matching(), notMatching() and possibly contain() (1:1) that builds joins as well as array syntax for those things (I did not use that for the most part since 2.x so I cant say)
# May 30th 2016, 08:46 phpcoder thanks
# May 30th 2016, 08:45 phpcoder ah ok!
# May 30th 2016, 08:45 ionas $query->clause(â??innerJoinWithâ??)->traverse(function ($expression) use
# May 30th 2016, 08:44 ionas as it reads parts of the composed query
# May 30th 2016, 08:44 ionas phpcoder: this is not the solution however maybe you can find a way from there https://gist.github.com/ionas/71dc55939fd70536b89f187ee0693c52
# May 30th 2016, 08:43 phpcoder ok
# May 30th 2016, 08:42 ionas make smaller compositions you could say
# May 30th 2016, 08:42 ionas then you donâ??t have to ask these kind of questions
# May 30th 2016, 08:42 ionas you want opt-in only
# May 30th 2016, 08:42 ionas you are looking at a design problem
# May 30th 2016, 08:42 ionas phpcoder: in general
# May 30th 2016, 08:41 phpcoder hi ionas ! thanks
# May 30th 2016, 08:41 birdy247 ionas awesome
# May 30th 2016, 08:41 ionas phpcoder: let me check if I can find a snippet and if its worth it
# May 30th 2016, 08:40 ionas there is also this https://github.com/cakephp/app/pull/363/files birdy247 - so thatâ??s the change you might want to do (or inject a timezone off the users request and / or session setting)
# May 30th 2016, 08:40 phpcoder guys is it possible to check if a query object has a specific join ?