Log message #3882930

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2016, 08:39 birdy247 great stuff ionas
# May 30th 2016, 08:39 birdy247 awesome
# May 30th 2016, 08:38 ionas birdy https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8753
# May 30th 2016, 08:38 birdy247 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8588
# May 30th 2016, 08:38 birdy247 :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 30th 2016, 08:37 ionas ;p
# May 30th 2016, 08:37 ionas JohnWayne, birdy247: yes, fork/pull it from my repo, fix the missing unit test, PR and use in 3.3 :p
# May 30th 2016, 08:37 JohnWayne @ionas - is there any manual how to use this PR?
# May 30th 2016, 08:37 birdy247 will this be included in 3.3
# May 30th 2016, 08:37 birdy247 awesome
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 birdy247 :+1:
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 ionas because you were complaining :p rightly so
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 birdy247 :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 ionas I did the PR just for you
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 ionas it does
# May 30th 2016, 08:36 birdy247 ionas does this introduce a default timezone for output
# May 30th 2016, 08:35 ionas if you donâ??t use those methods it is â??maybeâ? save to use ;)
# May 30th 2016, 08:35 ionas well see the tests that donâ??t run
# May 30th 2016, 08:34 hmic use ionas PR.
# May 30th 2016, 08:34 hmic yes
# May 30th 2016, 08:34 JohnWayne I am already using this way $time->nice('Europe/Paris', 'fr-FR'); but in the future I want to create Profile settings and put array with all Zones so that user can pick up what he/she wants... and I have read in Cakephp Doc that the best way is working only in UTC-0 (in DB)
# May 30th 2016, 08:33 hmic unorthodox: thats ouput formatting, not output timezone
# May 30th 2016, 08:32 unorthodox $time->i18nFormat(\IntlDateFormatter::FULL, 'Europe/Paris', 'fr-FR'); $time->nice('Europe/Paris', 'fr-FR');
# May 30th 2016, 08:32 unorthodox JohnWayne, according to docs you can do that.
# May 30th 2016, 08:32 ionas JohnWayne if you want to take a look it only has small issues, however I could not figure out why these small issues/test cases dont run
# May 30th 2016, 08:31 hmic https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8753
# May 30th 2016, 08:31 JohnWayne Ok, thx
# May 30th 2016, 08:31 JohnWayne @mohand 3.2
# May 30th 2016, 08:31 mohand just search for UTC in bootstrap.php
# May 30th 2016, 08:31 mohand @johnwayne which version of cakephp ? because in cake 3, you have an option in bootstrap
# May 30th 2016, 08:30 hmic functionality like that will be available in a upcoming release very likely, yes.
# May 30th 2016, 08:30 mohand to be sure, try an echo and die in the model to see if it passes there when you bake
# May 30th 2016, 08:29 mohand maybe not with bake
# May 30th 2016, 08:29 JohnWayne can you send me link from that PR.... and is this solution good $user->created->nice('Europe/Paris')
# May 30th 2016, 08:29 alanderouen mohand : ok, it worked, but datasource for model should be detected. I guess i'm doing something wrong.
# May 30th 2016, 08:28 hmic there is a PR open from ionas that handles the output case quite well
# May 30th 2016, 08:28 JohnWayne And what is your suggestion with conversation. I am now using nice()... Idknw is this good solution
# May 30th 2016, 08:28 hmic you should only (need to) convert the timezone on output or from user input.
# May 30th 2016, 08:27 hmic this is utc by default, which is a good default.
# May 30th 2016, 08:27 hmic JohnWayne, nope. not yet at least. it is good practice to work in a single timezone throught the whole app!
# May 30th 2016, 08:26 mohand public function __construct (){