Log message #3882860

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2016, 08:20 ionas I started off master and then had to retarget to 3.x
# May 30th 2016, 08:20 ionas meh I screwed up git flow https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8903/commits â?¦
# May 30th 2016, 08:19 spriz Nope, the redirectUrl is the one you want people to be redirected to
# May 30th 2016, 08:19 Eax spriz: So if it's no longer the one set in AppController Auth Config, it'll read the "new" one? (Eg where the user left)
# May 30th 2016, 08:18 spriz @eax it will read whatever is in the componentâ??s config :P
# May 30th 2016, 08:17 alanderouen mohand trying right now
# May 30th 2016, 08:17 alanderouen it doesn't find my table which is in another datasource than default
# May 30th 2016, 08:17 Eax spriz: That'll read the one from AppController though, right? I need the current one :)
# May 30th 2016, 08:17 mohand did yu try with -p yourpluginName
# May 30th 2016, 08:17 spriz Eax: $this->Auth->config(â??redirectUrlâ??)? :P
# May 30th 2016, 08:16 alanderouen tried Console/cake bake ***fixture*** ModelName --plugin PluginName but i get an error
# May 30th 2016, 08:15 Eax ^ In Cake3 :)
# May 30th 2016, 08:15 Eax Good morning folks! Is it possible to read what the Auth RedirectURL is?
# May 30th 2016, 08:15 alanderouen tried Console/cake bake Fixture ModelName --plugin PluginName but i get an error
# May 30th 2016, 08:14 alanderouen mohand : and i'm a noob in unit testing, so please correct me if i'm saying something that doesn't make sense :)
# May 30th 2016, 08:14 alanderouen mohand : it's cake 2
# May 30th 2016, 08:13 alanderouen mohand : fixtures. I'm creating tests.
# May 30th 2016, 08:11 mohand fixtures or seeds? is it for tests or to have datas in your database
# May 30th 2016, 08:10 alanderouen hey all, does anyone know how to bake fixture for a plugin ? I don't find it in documentation. :/
# May 30th 2016, 08:10 mohand echo â??Hello world!â??;
# May 30th 2016, 08:10 mohand echo â??sorryâ??;
# May 30th 2016, 08:06 JohnWayne echo "Hello world!";
# May 30th 2016, 08:05 unorthodox Hello friend.
# May 30th 2016, 08:04 mohand Hi everyone. It is my first message on this channel
# May 30th 2016, 07:36 phpcoder hello bakers
# May 30th 2016, 07:34 alanderouen morning all
# May 30th 2016, 07:32 unorthodox anti-NIH detected
# May 30th 2016, 07:31 voycey no probs man - much appreciated - just wanted to make sure i wasnt re-inventing the wheel
# May 30th 2016, 07:31 bravo-kernel ;)
# May 30th 2016, 07:31 bravo-kernel maybe someone else has a brilliant idea
# May 30th 2016, 07:31 voycey I can handle it with multiple tokens
# May 30th 2016, 07:31 bravo-kernel and gotta run
# May 30th 2016, 07:30 bravo-kernel well, I don't know about that
# May 30th 2016, 07:30 voycey one SDK might handle multiple apps above it
# May 30th 2016, 07:30 voycey not possible really - the logins are handled through an SDK
# May 30th 2016, 07:30 bravo-kernel banking apps do exactly the same
# May 30th 2016, 07:30 bravo-kernel just ask for password again?
# May 30th 2016, 07:29 voycey yeah me too - so I guess id have to store some other kind of token to handle the re-request
# May 30th 2016, 07:29 bravo-kernel but that's personal
# May 30th 2016, 07:29 bravo-kernel and auto-refreshing would mean storing username/password locally which is horrid if you ask me
# May 30th 2016, 07:29 bravo-kernel not authenticated anymore means re-authenticating to me