Log message #3881073

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2016, 20:16 royalty oh wait what
# May 26th 2016, 20:16 royalty if you want to use your default layout file as opposed to the plug ins just remove all that code setting the layout
# May 26th 2016, 20:15 royalty yeah, so basically leaving layout name as default is default
# May 26th 2016, 20:12 spriz if I pass the layout name â??defaultâ? itâ??ll use the `BootstrapUI.default` rather :S
# May 26th 2016, 20:11 spriz Hi there! Is it just me, or is this code not doing what it says in the comment just above? https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/bootstrap-ui/blob/master/src/View/UIViewTrait.php#L25
# May 26th 2016, 19:19 bravo-kernel lots of lessons learned, thanks
# May 26th 2016, 19:19 bravo-kernel I was hacking away on it
# May 26th 2016, 19:19 bravo-kernel (of the ApcEngine file)
# May 26th 2016, 19:19 bravo-kernel I guess I know where the fail came from as well, probably PhpStorm re-uploading an older version after I upgraded to 3.2.10
# May 26th 2016, 19:18 bravo-kernel I read about everything on Cache today, lol
# May 26th 2016, 19:18 bravo-kernel that might very well be true since I saw a ticket where you fixed skipped tests ;)
# May 26th 2016, 19:18 admad i added that check a while back to distinctly remembered :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 26th 2016, 19:17 bravo-kernel thanks a million
# May 26th 2016, 19:17 bravo-kernel :relaxed:
# May 26th 2016, 19:17 bravo-kernel another day wasted
# May 26th 2016, 19:17 bravo-kernel f** me, composer reinstall fixed it
# May 26th 2016, 19:15 bravo-kernel I cat'ed the VERSION.txt, honest :,(
# May 26th 2016, 19:15 bravo-kernel let me re-composer install
# May 26th 2016, 19:15 admad then you lied and are not using 3.2.10
# May 26th 2016, 19:15 bravo-kernel that's bizarre.... I don't see that line, wtf
# May 26th 2016, 19:14 admad @bravo-kernel: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/Cache/Engine/ApcEngine.php#L145
# May 26th 2016, 19:13 bravo-kernel hmm, I only saw a check against the extension being loaded, let me recheck
# May 26th 2016, 19:11 admad the error is weird since the usage of the class is wrapped in a `class_exists()` check
# May 26th 2016, 19:10 bravo-kernel the webserver cache works as expected
# May 26th 2016, 19:10 bravo-kernel could be an error on my part but I have checked about everything
# May 26th 2016, 19:10 bravo-kernel @admad: I am on 3.x and using APCu (as far as I can tell). That's why I find this so weird
# May 26th 2016, 19:07 AlexMax but it looks like the merging of component arrays happens in _mergeControllerVars and then immediately thereafter init the component
# May 26th 2016, 19:06 AlexMax in Cake 2
# May 26th 2016, 19:06 admad @bravo-kernel: 3.x uses APCu btw
# May 26th 2016, 18:52 bravo-kernel Feels like a bug
# May 26th 2016, 18:52 bravo-kernel Just creating the ticket... 3.2.10
# May 26th 2016, 18:50 admad bravo-kernel: are you using latest core?
# May 26th 2016, 18:21 bravo-kernel Debuggin `ApcEngine.php` confirms the extension is loaded as well
# May 26th 2016, 18:13 bravo-kernel Anybody have any suggestions? Google ran dry on this one
# May 26th 2016, 18:13 bravo-kernel the weird thing is running `ini_get` from within the shell tells me both `apc.enabled` and `apc.enable_cli` are true/on
# May 26th 2016, 18:12 bravo-kernel My ClearCacheShell throws "Class 'APCUIterator' not found in /vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Cache/Engine/ApcEngine.php on line 145" when I call `Cache::clear()`
# May 26th 2016, 17:31 royalty can anyone tell me why baking migrations only takes one argument now?
# May 26th 2016, 16:52 Eax What can cause a cookie to not be set in cake3? I have made a test project, where it works, but in my "main" project - it is simply not saved (I cannot see it in the Chrome dev tool)
# May 26th 2016, 16:30 nemmons then after the form is submitted, just to be safe i would run validation on the sponsor / account type combination to make sure it's valid
# May 26th 2016, 16:30 nemmons what i might do is whever someone change the account type/sponsor, use ajax to send a request to the server with the account type and have it return a required sponsor if necessary. if a sponsor is returned, update the sponsor select list accordingly
# May 26th 2016, 16:28 nemmons greemanspirit even if you disable a field, someone can edit the html and enable it again. So that's not a reliable way enforce business logic.