Log message #3881003

# At Username Text
# May 26th 2016, 16:30 nemmons what i might do is whever someone change the account type/sponsor, use ajax to send a request to the server with the account type and have it return a required sponsor if necessary. if a sponsor is returned, update the sponsor select list accordingly
# May 26th 2016, 16:28 nemmons greemanspirit even if you disable a field, someone can edit the html and enable it again. So that's not a reliable way enforce business logic.
# May 26th 2016, 16:26 fly2279 Looking for a good resource for unit testing for cake. Any good books, blogs, etc? Or can anyone think of a good repo that would have some good real world examples of tests written that I can learn from?
# May 26th 2016, 16:20 MarcosDantas on brazil developers like Rais and Larave.
# May 26th 2016, 16:16 MarcosDantas but, i like very much cake
# May 26th 2016, 16:15 MarcosDantas and cakephp community its slow from here!
# May 26th 2016, 16:15 nemmons I'm sorry, that must be difficult
# May 26th 2016, 16:15 MarcosDantas im from brazilian, and cakephp not have documments in my language
# May 26th 2016, 16:14 MarcosDantas sorry for my english
# May 26th 2016, 16:12 nemmons i'm sorry, i don't understand what you're asking. if you have an entity object called $entity and you want to unlock the 'users_id' field, you can call `$entity->accessible('users_id);`. if you want to mass-set properties to an entity, bypassing guarded fields, then you call `$entity->set($properties, ['guard' => false]);` (where $properties is an array of key-value pairs of the data you want to set)
# May 26th 2016, 16:09 MarcosDantas whats correct form?
# May 26th 2016, 16:09 MarcosDantas or view.
# May 26th 2016, 16:09 MarcosDantas wan'ted to set this on controller
# May 26th 2016, 16:08 MarcosDantas slackebot i use behavior for set users_id on relationship
# May 26th 2016, 16:06 MarcosDantas ok, but i used bake for code, and i try edit one 4 one.
# May 26th 2016, 16:05 Neon1024x Will disable the mass assignment protection
# May 26th 2016, 16:05 Neon1024x MarcosDantas, If you just set the $_accessible array to include the field as 'field' => false
# May 26th 2016, 16:05 MarcosDantas but not working...
# May 26th 2016, 16:05 MarcosDantas when save date, behavior disable guard and set users_id for company entity
# May 26th 2016, 16:05 Neon1024x greenmanspirit, Yes it is, that's the form tampering protection
# May 26th 2016, 16:04 nemmons the guard option is for when you're doing $entity->set() if you want to set data to a guarded field
# May 26th 2016, 16:04 nemmons http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/entities.html#modifying-the-guarded-fields-at-runtime i don't think you need to pass the option array there
# May 26th 2016, 16:02 MarcosDantas hi guys
# May 26th 2016, 15:57 MarcosDantas $entity->accessible('users_id', ['guard' => false]);
# May 26th 2016, 15:56 MarcosDantas its possible?
# May 26th 2016, 15:56 MarcosDantas i cannot disable guard in behavior
# May 26th 2016, 15:32 Neon1024x Guest92387, Perhaps!
# May 26th 2016, 15:29 hmic !tell Guest92387 about ask
# May 26th 2016, 15:28 Guest92387 can help me?
# May 26th 2016, 15:28 Guest92387 im need help with behavior
# May 26th 2016, 15:28 Guest92387 Hi guys!
# May 26th 2016, 15:27 Marcos can help me?
# May 26th 2016, 15:27 Marcos im need help with behavior
# May 26th 2016, 15:27 Marcos Hi guys!
# May 26th 2016, 15:23 gigikent luv u guyz :P
# May 26th 2016, 15:22 nemmons you could also do `$this->addAssociations(['belongsTo' => ['Attacks','Sniffers']]);
# May 26th 2016, 15:21 Neon1024x $this->belongsTo('Attacks'); $this->belongsTo('Sniffers');
# May 26th 2016, 15:21 Neon1024x And I'd refactor to make each belongsTo() into it's own call, just as it is in bake
# May 26th 2016, 15:21 nemmons yeah if you want to use belongsTo you need to make 1 call per association
# May 26th 2016, 15:21 Neon1024x In which case I would summise that it doesn't take an array
# May 26th 2016, 15:20 gigikent Events is not associated with Attacks)