Log message #3766115

# At Username Text
# Jan 28th 2016, 03:39 quips Can anyone help
# Jan 28th 2016, 03:39 quips What's wrong
# Jan 28th 2016, 03:39 quips I get value as 1 but should get 100
# Jan 28th 2016, 03:39 quips Hash::extract($arrFoo,'{n}.Foo[foo_role_id=10].foo_id')
# Jan 28th 2016, 03:39 quips array is Array([0]=>Array([Foo]=>Array([foo_id]=>100 [foo_role_id]=>10)))
# Dec 19th 2015, 02:11 naag_chato Trainings hasMany Days, Days belongsTo Training.
# Dec 19th 2015, 02:05 naag_chato Hello folks, new to cakePHP (although I've been "fixing" someones elses mess). They were putting lots of not view code in the views. My question that is involved somewhat and I am not sure hwo to ask it in stackoverflow or similar. Anyone want to entertain an idead fHello folks, new to cakePHP (although I've been "fixing" someones else's mess). They were putting lots of not view code in the views. My question that is invol
# Dec 3rd 2015, 12:54 Din0saur alguem ai?
# Apr 6th 2015, 05:51 cakephp-bakery31 hi
# Mar 12th 2015, 05:39 ronsavage I'm looking at http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html#creating-your-first-test-case. Re the block of code which starts with 'class ProgressHelper extends AppHelper {'. In which file exactly should it be saved?
# Feb 26th 2015, 10:29 Prabhat Hello..
# Feb 19th 2015, 16:46 lahi i am new to cake php give me any good curt example
# Feb 19th 2015, 16:46 lahi i
# Feb 19th 2015, 16:45 lahi hi
# Nov 23rd 2014, 08:08 Xeus hi cakebot
# Jun 26th 2014, 02:51 Marquinho Ola
# May 3rd 2014, 18:30 pierry anybody?
# May 3rd 2014, 18:30 pierry hi
# Jan 14th 2014, 20:06 cavascript hello")
# Jan 12th 2014, 19:41 ExcessiveEvil CakeBot:
# Nov 23rd 2013, 13:15 krush3r btw i am a noob but I am not looking hand outs just a point in the right direction, been on this for a week now,thanks
# Nov 23rd 2013, 13:15 krush3r something recent that works well with 2.4.2
# Nov 23rd 2013, 13:15 krush3r I have searched and cant say I have found anything that really works, Can anyone point me to a tutorial that fully explains LDAP
# Jul 5th 2013, 09:06 mike7789 guess not
# Jul 5th 2013, 09:06 mike7789 hey, can any one help me with a cake validation question
# Apr 30th 2013, 21:08 whnunlife hey everyone, is the general #cakephp closed?