Log message #2583417

# At Username Text
# May 30th 2012, 21:49 phat4life its all about ruby on ralis
# May 30th 2012, 21:49 phat4life i don't think cakephp is as popular in the us
# May 30th 2012, 21:49 Jippi phat4life: we won't come to the US any time soon I think, plenty of market to take in Europe still :)
# May 30th 2012, 21:49 Lemon_BE well, atleast it is better than belgium :p
# May 30th 2012, 21:49 Lemon_BE uk is the only decent place to be for cakephp in europe
# May 30th 2012, 21:48 Jippi phat4life: we are in UK, Denmark, Norway and Germany :)
# May 30th 2012, 21:48 phat4life Jippi: why are you all in the uk :(
# May 30th 2012, 21:48 Jippi Ceeram: can't have 3rd paryt guys on our company network :(
# May 30th 2012, 21:48 tigrang for `testValidateFirstAssociatedWithBeforeValidate` test case
# May 30th 2012, 21:48 tigrang Ceeram, here's what I had to do to fix it: https://github.com/tigrang/cakephp/commit/33f422a38a12570a57172b037dcbeec90cd1cf7b
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 Jippi Lemon_BE: www.nodesagency.com
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 Ceeram Jippi: instead op shooting at it with a gun
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 Jippi someprimetime: https://github.com/nodesagency
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 someprimetime phat4life: it's working on my IBM mainframe
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 Lemon_BE what company do you work for Jippi ?
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 Jippi Ceeram: sorry?
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 someprimetime Jippi: if you're open sourcing it let me know so i can follow it on github
# May 30th 2012, 21:47 phat4life someprimetime: make 2 work with mssql 2000
# May 30th 2012, 21:46 Jippi someprimetime: we do 95% facebook stuff at my company, one of northern europe's biggest companies doing Facebook - so I would say its battle tested real life :D
# May 30th 2012, 21:46 someprimetime word
# May 30th 2012, 21:46 Jippi someprimetime: I forked it -- there is almost nothing left of the original code though
# May 30th 2012, 21:46 someprimetime phat4life: 2 is the future
# May 30th 2012, 21:46 Ceeram Jippi: or hand the server to edelpero :)
# May 30th 2012, 21:45 someprimetime or you just forked it?
# May 30th 2012, 21:45 phat4life man i need to move from 1.3
# May 30th 2012, 21:45 someprimetime are you nick?
# May 30th 2012, 21:45 Jippi someprimetime: I'm planning to release my improved version of that plugin at some time.. it got some pretty nifty features - and somewhat stable
# May 30th 2012, 21:44 someprimetime that one looks pretty nifty, but was wondering if i need all that overhead
# May 30th 2012, 21:44 someprimetime e.g. https://github.com/webtechnick/CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin
# May 30th 2012, 21:43 someprimetime anyone that uses facebook for auth on their web apps, are you using any plugins?
# May 30th 2012, 21:42 melt I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.1 about two months ago
# May 30th 2012, 21:42 melt Ceeram: yes, I must upgrade...
# May 30th 2012, 21:42 Jippi yep
# May 30th 2012, 21:41 Ceeram still its best to upgrade, there is tests as well that it is working on latest version
# May 30th 2012, 21:40 melt Ceeram: nop, it doesn't work
# May 30th 2012, 21:40 savant https://github.com/seatgeek/
# May 30th 2012, 21:39 Ceeram if it then works, you have broken core version
# May 30th 2012, 21:39 savant we do open source at work as well
# May 30th 2012, 21:39 savant meh
# May 30th 2012, 21:39 Jippi its a trap though, and you know it ;)
# May 30th 2012, 21:39 Ceeram melt: i know, make it $this->Node->saveAssociated($this->request->data, array('validate' => true))