Log message #2111624

# At Username Text
# Jun 29th 2011, 08:00 amirpaia i use openid component but have this problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6517313/cakephp-and-openid-problem-in-redirect-back LHM
# Jun 15th 2011, 19:14 [tasty]freeze jose_zap thanks
# Jun 15th 2011, 19:09 jose_zap [tasty]freeze: join #cakephp channel for general cakephp questions please
# Jun 15th 2011, 18:57 [tasty]freeze how to a query for 'gallery' data in a 'user' controller?
# Jun 15th 2011, 03:04 Mario__ ok ;-)
# Jun 15th 2011, 03:03 PhpNut Mario__: join #cakephp for support
# Jun 15th 2011, 02:58 Mario__ i don`t understand how put the nescesary code to that task works...
# Jun 15th 2011, 02:57 Mario__ Hi!, someone know about a step-by-step way to send a message contact email?
# May 22nd 2011, 01:11 PhpNut check the messages you received when you joined
# May 22nd 2011, 01:11 PhpNut you need to register
# May 22nd 2011, 01:09 cakenoob i cant ask any questions in that room for some reason
# May 22nd 2011, 01:04 PhpNut cakenoob: ask in #cakephp
# May 22nd 2011, 00:38 cakenoob such as I do not want to see 'view' in the url but I want to see everything else
# May 22nd 2011, 00:36 cakenoob I have a question. Is there a way I can remove the action from the url in cakephp?
# May 22nd 2011, 00:36 cakenoob hello?
# May 13th 2011, 05:28 R0cKET hi
# May 11th 2011, 11:32 weilies Thanks jose_zap , I m able to register now!
# May 10th 2011, 16:10 jose_zap weilies: try joining the #cakephp channel, you will receive messages with instruction for joining in
# May 10th 2011, 15:19 weilies In fact I m using my iphone instead of my notebook
# May 10th 2011, 15:18 weilies Can u provide the link? Thanks
# May 10th 2011, 15:18 weilies Sorry, but to reg for cakephp user? Or irc user? I hv no issue for chat in other irc
# May 10th 2011, 15:12 PhpNut check the messages when you joined, they explain you need to register
# May 10th 2011, 15:12 weilies Oic, where to register ? Free?
# May 10th 2011, 15:12 PhpNut you need to register
# May 10th 2011, 15:12 weilies But my irc client complain, due to some restriction I'm not able to post there...
# May 10th 2011, 15:11 weilies I am planning to create client server game for my iphone proj
# May 10th 2011, 15:11 PhpNut #cakephp is the channel for help
# May 10th 2011, 15:11 weilies O.O
# May 10th 2011, 15:10 weilies From cake guru
# May 10th 2011, 15:10 weilies Yeah, came across here to ask for help
# May 10th 2011, 15:10 PhpNut weilies: ?
# May 10th 2011, 15:08 weilies Anyone here?
# May 10th 2011, 15:08 weilies Goodday everyone
# May 10th 2011, 15:08 weilies Hi
# Apr 24th 2011, 12:14 pur3forlyphe anyone know of a good way/ is their already a plugin to read csv files and turn them into arrays in cake?
# Apr 24th 2011, 12:13 pur3forlyphe hello
# Apr 4th 2011, 03:12 weicsss It always appear /app/webroot/index.php
# Apr 4th 2011, 03:11 weicsss hi, a quick question. I use $this->Form->create() to generate a form
# Apr 3rd 2011, 21:35 shlinn Can anybody help me please? How can I change the default table name for a controller?
# Apr 2nd 2011, 21:36 TheOriginalDude_ Does anyone know why i'm getting this error "Fatal error: Call to a member function cd() on a non-object in E:\www\Apache2.2\htdocs\site_cast001\cake\libs\cache\file.php on line 248" Trying to install cakephp?
# Apr 2nd 2011, 21:35 TheOriginalDude_ hi