Log message #109073

# At Username Text
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:56 alkemann u got a java uploader for big files?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:55 lqdice__ these files are gonna be huge.. up to 2gb
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:55 lqdice__ well I will still need the d/b to manage the access so it has to be in the db
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:55 alkemann u can save the files in the DB even
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:54 lqdice__ i guess I could though
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:54 lqdice__ i dont want it to run directly off the filesystem though
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:54 lqdice__ alkemann: this is for a file upload utility... it will even need to be able to sync back up from the filesystem so if someone drops a file in the system it enumerates it into the database
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:53 Ins|de lqdice__, i did it, changed from default to backoffice, and when i do $this->layout = 'backoffice'; it does not work..
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:53 alkemann you should try to make behavior for it so it can be reused
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:53 alkemann i look forward to seein how it turns out :)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:53 lqdice__ alkemann: this will def be interesting
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:53 alkemann can even do it in view
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:52 lqdice__ Ins|de: you should be able to do it in app_controller beforeFilter
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:52 alkemann lqdice__: not that i recall atm
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:52 Ins|de hi there, i could change layout files with $this->layout variable right? can i do it on app_controller or just on the extended controller?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:51 lqdice__ have you seen anyone do something like this before?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:51 lqdice__ basically
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:51 lqdice__ the SQL will have to dig all the way to the leaf and if I have access to the leaf, give access to the parent
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:51 alkemann it will be a little complicated, but should be doable
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:50 lqdice__ well I also have to put conditions to make sure the user has access to it (which is the part im worried about)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:50 alkemann u do $tree = $this->Folder->find('threaded'); $folder = $this->Folder->find($id); the first with recursive -1 and the second with 1
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:49 alkemann yes
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:49 lqdice__ which method.. folder actsAs Tree, folder hasMany Files ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:49 alkemann the good thing about this last method is you can easily only show files for one folder at a time, but show the entire folder structure (like windows)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:49 lqdice__ so if I am in /SomeProgram and it has 30 folders w/ 30 files each but the user only has access to 1 file.. it should only show that 1 folder
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:48 lqdice__ yes
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:48 lqdice__ or rather . i just want to get the children of a node.. is that easy enough? so if they are at /SomeProgram folder i just want to show its children
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:48 alkemann only have rights on files, only show folders where user has files with read rights ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:48 sokar007 hi, in cakephp manual http://book.cakephp.org/view/303/file-fields $this->data['Documents']['submittedfile'] is array with few few fields. i tried it and i have only filename - why ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:47 lqdice__ alkemann: do you think w/ this method it will be easy enough to enumerate the entire tree to display?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:47 alkemann or u can have Folder actsAs Tree, Folder hasMany Files and Files actsAs Ordered (my behavior)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:46 alkemann lqdice__: thats what i mean Node actsAs Tree and have 2 behaviors for the node for file vs folder
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:46 lqdice__ i mean .. nodes hasmany nodes VS tree behaviour
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann better than folders hasmany folders and folders hasMany files imho
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ thats why i was thinking tree behaviour might be better
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ thats not a big deal im not worried about that.. im just wondering if doing node hasMany nodes is too heavy
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann model*
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann 1 mode
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ one if you click it d/l's the other just opens it up
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann 2 behaviors
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:44 lqdice__ alkemann: they have different meta data though