Log message #109043

# At Username Text
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:47 alkemann or u can have Folder actsAs Tree, Folder hasMany Files and Files actsAs Ordered (my behavior)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:46 alkemann lqdice__: thats what i mean Node actsAs Tree and have 2 behaviors for the node for file vs folder
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:46 lqdice__ i mean .. nodes hasmany nodes VS tree behaviour
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann better than folders hasmany folders and folders hasMany files imho
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ thats why i was thinking tree behaviour might be better
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ thats not a big deal im not worried about that.. im just wondering if doing node hasMany nodes is too heavy
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann model*
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann 1 mode
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 lqdice__ one if you click it d/l's the other just opens it up
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:45 alkemann 2 behaviors
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:44 lqdice__ alkemann: they have different meta data though
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:44 lqdice__ alkemann: he has access to the Programs folder.. but he will only see the /SomeProgram/Version 2.0/Windows_Install.exe in his tree
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:44 alkemann Node hasMany Node . and a node can be a file or a folder (or even both)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:44 alkemann lqdice__: dont differentiate between files and folders
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 alkemann so if a user only have acces to that file, he doesnt have access to the /programs folder and shouldnt even know it exists (imho)
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 lqdice__ what I could possibly do is just have a Folder hasMany Folders and hasMany Files
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 lqdice__ thats why i didnt think ACL would be right for this
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 lqdice__ right
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 alkemann and the way it works if you only have access to a leaf, you dont have access to the root
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:43 lqdice__ its going to be a lot of files
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:42 alkemann why force ppl to click more times then they need to?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:42 lqdice__ alkemann: but what i mean is .. if i give someone access to /Programs/SomeProgram/Version 2.0/Windows_Install.exe they should at the first page see /Programs then have to click through like a regular directory
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:41 alkemann $html->link('/files/thing.png', 'thing');
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:41 alkemann . /files
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:41 SteffenGoertz how can i link to files in the webroot/files direcotry
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:40 alkemann lqdice__: well files too. thing is that u dont need an acl tree = file tree cause the default is deny for all and there is inheritance in the acl
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:40 lqdice__ it would be nice if it could just enumerate the folders if i give access to the file.. so if the file gets moved they still have access to it etc..
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:39 lqdice__ it would be nice if it could
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:39 Kitara lqdice__: both not working
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:39 lqdice__ alkemann: for each folder?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:39 alkemann lqdice__: well the best would proably be to do an acl tree
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:39 primeminister achew22: you still here?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:38 lqdice__ alkemann: well if you think about it, if I give access to some file, i need to show the entire directory tree.. so its just tricky
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:38 lqdice__ Kitara: you can do 'users/login' too i believe..or try '/users/login' .. one of them wont keep the plugins there
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:38 alkemann yea, wasnt that what u were asking?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:38 Kitara alkemann: that is for after the login right ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:37 alkemann Kitara: $this->Auth->loginRedirect
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:37 Kitara still, does'nt work
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:37 alkemann lqdice__: what has the one to do with the other
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:37 lqdice__ looks good
# Aug 7th 2008, 07:37 Kitara lqdice__: $this->Auth->loginAction = array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'login'); like this ?