Log message #108638

# At Username Text
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:21 thestaff sorry
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:21 thestaff action="/index.php/categories/add"
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:21 thestaff you meant the method >
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:21 thestaff stevieboy, none I removed it
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:21 stevieboy slifox: you should look at the tutorial in the book
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:20 Martz poluta1: so your app_controller gets the session data, and sets the variable in the model for you to use "later on"
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:20 stevieboy thestaff: which action is called after submit? (look in the first form-tag)
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:20 slifox hello I'm new to cakephp I wanted to know how a php framework works do I just upload the files to my server and include the php files for specific functions?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 Martz poluta1: yep. thats what I recommended first, but you can keep it all in 1 model if you only need it there. Use app_model, app_controller - and get the controller to set a variable for you
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 thestaff stevieboy, so know the form tags are there but doesn't submit
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 achew22 ACTION hands off question answering to Martz and stevieboy
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 stevieboy its really great
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 stevieboy oh,i see. i already use that :)
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:19 Martz stevieboy: instead of editing 100's of links to /users/view/$id
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:18 Martz stevieboy: you can make a link like this $html->link('My link', array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'view', $id)); and then in the future if you want to change the URLs for /users/ to /members/ all you need to do is edit your routes file, and all your links still work
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:18 poluta1 Martz: can i assign $captcha to AppModel class model ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:18 stevieboy is it just the "url-string" to "array (controller,action,id)" ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:18 achew22 TonkaTruck: remember, you're in this for money. You can sell something with stubs so long as you replace the "[TODO]" with "Feature coming soon" when you package it and sell it
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:18 stevieboy forgive me but i still cant figure out the "reverse" in the reverse routing
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:17 Martz so painful to see people still blundering along without a framework
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:17 Martz i've been lurking in the ##php channel
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:16 achew22 I have the model::url too but I use link much more often
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:16 achew22 in my models I take it even one step further -- Model::link($id) which does the whole kit and kaboodle
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:15 Martz TonkaTruck: i second achew22s recommendation. Reverse routing is amazing ;)
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:15 TonkaTruck achew22: this is really great.
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:15 achew22 TonkaTruck: yep
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:15 TonkaTruck achew22: yeah that is fantastic. So is $this->redirect() reverse routable too?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:15 thestaff stevieboy, I wanna try by hand if the form would show up
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:14 thestaff no worries
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:14 stevieboy oh, ok :)
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:14 stevieboy achew22: erm, for what exactly?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:13 achew22 thanks stevieboy I owe you
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:13 thestaff might be this->element doens't like the htmland forms helpers
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:13 stevieboy thestaff: you got to figure out why the form istn inserted
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 stevieboy thestaff: in cake
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 thestaff cake or firebug ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 thestaff debug() from where ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 achew22 TonkaTruck: in particular the static function url part, that is just amazing
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 achew22 TonkaTruck: http://debuggable.com/posts/new-router-goodies:480f4dd6-4d40-4405-908d-4cd7cbdd56cb that is an awesome article from a GREAT resource. You should read everything he writes. I've only disagreed with him 1 time thus far and been a RSS reader for something like 8 months
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 pgcd stevieboy: thank you, i'll look into it
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 stevieboy thestaff: try to use debug()