Log message #108605

# At Username Text
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:13 stevieboy thestaff: you got to figure out why the form istn inserted
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 stevieboy thestaff: in cake
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 thestaff cake or firebug ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 thestaff debug() from where ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:12 achew22 TonkaTruck: in particular the static function url part, that is just amazing
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 achew22 TonkaTruck: http://debuggable.com/posts/new-router-goodies:480f4dd6-4d40-4405-908d-4cd7cbdd56cb that is an awesome article from a GREAT resource. You should read everything he writes. I've only disagreed with him 1 time thus far and been a RSS reader for something like 8 months
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 pgcd stevieboy: thank you, i'll look into it
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 stevieboy thestaff: try to use debug()
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 thestaff there is no form created
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 stevieboy pgcd: there is a Set:: -class. maybe there is a good func
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:11 thestaff well I think I know where is the problem
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 TonkaTruck achew22: No. There's a really small bit about them in in the book.
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 thestaff here is my view: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1965344384
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 achew22 TonkaTruck: have you read the thing from Felix on reverse routes?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 achew22 thestaff: use firebug to inspect. Sorry I can't hold hands this time around
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 TonkaTruck I just got reverse routes to work...fancy.
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 pgcd stevieboy: ok, I see that it was working all along, but it wasn't returning what I expected... what's the proper way to deal with the array returned from HABTM associations? should I use foreach in the view, or are there neeater ways? (i need to have a kind of "group_concat()" result)
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:10 Djiize hi all
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:09 thestaff achew22, it doesn't appear in the div either
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:09 poluta1 i try
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:09 poluta1 ok
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:08 poluta1 owww i must call beforeFilter callback
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:08 thestaff yeah for some reason there is no form in my thickbox
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:08 poluta1 Martz: i need a beforeFilter() ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:08 Martz poluta1: or whatever the correct syntax is for session
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:07 Martz poluta1: ok, so in your User Controller beforeFilter() { $this->User->captcha = $session->read();}
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:07 thestaff kool
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:07 stevieboy this will help if you try to debug forms or sth
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:07 stevieboy thestaff: look at any page, right click on a headline or sth and then select "inspect element". firebug will open at the position where the headline is
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:06 poluta1 i put my public $captcha = null in my User model class
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:06 achew22 TonkaTruck: the practice can be done in objects too, if you know you will need a function later but its not necessary yet then you put function nameOfFunction () {} and call it a day
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:06 poluta1 can we access $this->AppModel ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:06 TonkaTruck achew22: I follow ya. I just wanted to try an element with requestAction.
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:06 poluta1 Martz: can we access $this->AppModel ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:05 thestaff stevieboy, not sure I understood
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:05 achew22 TonkaTruck: make sense?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:05 TonkaTruck Ohhh...
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:04 stevieboy thestaff: this brings you directly to the right position @firebug
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:04 achew22 TonkaTruck: then come back later (I fill them with [TODO] for easy finding) and fill them in when your ready
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:04 thestaff stevieboy, yes and ?
# Aug 7th 2008, 04:04 achew22 when you have an element that you want on your layout that can't be put in for one reason or another just make a blank file called element.ctp