Log message #107978

# At Username Text
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:11 polerin that's a starting place at least
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:11 Traveler6 ok
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:11 polerin if you want to go digging yourself, I reccomend looking at what Model::create() does to the object
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:11 Traveler6 that seems like a pretty complicated solution
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:10 polerin so it's existance is not a dead give
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:10 polerin only reason I'm suggesting the call to exists() is for models that don't have an auto-incrementing or creating id field, you'd obviously need to have the id for the insert
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:10 polerin Traveler6: I'm sure there is a MUCH better way of doing it, but that's about the best I can give you at 1:30 in the morning and no time to go digging in code
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:09 polerin Traveler6: there is probably better way to do it, and if you dig into the model source you can likely find it, but first off I would check for the existance of the model's id field in the data. If it's not there it's likely that it's a insert... if it is there genrally it's going to be an update, but you can check by calling exists()
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:08 TonkaTruck Eddie_CRO: That last sentence of the containable page contains some very key info....that contain() can use standard Model->find() options.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:07 Eddie_CRO ok, will try.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:07 Eddie_CRO aaaa
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:07 TonkaTruck Eddie_CRO: I didn't even notice that when you originally pasted it.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:07 Traveler6 like I want to have a check in the controller
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:06 Traveler6 i want to perform some actions if the user is updating a row. but i want to be able to do it globally, and not have to put code in the admin_edit admin_add fields etc..
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:06 TonkaTruck Eddie_CRO: See the very end of this page: http://book.cakephp.org/view/474/containable
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:06 Eddie_CRO i didn't understand it that way. wait to try.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:06 Eddie_CRO hm
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:05 TonkaTruck Eddie_CRO: I just noticed something. Where you have 'Category' => array() < that array should have 'conditions' => array('Group.name' => 'some_name') right?
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:05 polerin Traveler6: ask the question more specifically, what problem are you having or are trying to solve?
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:04 poluta1 hello anybody know how to make ajax observeField stay selected if a user submitting form, and user forget to fill valid email
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:04 Eddie_CRO tonka: yes, but how to do that then?
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:03 polerin becasue it is full of win and absolute awesome.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:03 polerin btw, have I publicly stated my deep and abiding love for vim's "visual block" recently?
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:03 TonkaTruck Eddie_CRO: That was a problem I encountered. I thought "I want a list of topics in a forum" so my find() should be Topic->find() but with contain and recursive I could see a nice way to get it. So I want backwards to the Forum model and contained down from there.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:02 Traveler6 basically i want to use beforeSave in the controller
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:02 Traveler6 how do i check if the table is being updated or a new one added in the controller
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:01 Eddie_CRO right?
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:01 Eddie_CRO yes, and try now limiting this with something from ForumPost. And doing so, you expect find not to return you records of Forum if FormPost criteria is not fulfilled.
# Aug 7th 2008, 01:00 TonkaTruck This is to view a list of topics in a forum. So I start at Forum and get the topics in that forum. For each topic I get the user who created the topic and a the last forumpost for that topic as well as the user who posted it.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:59 poluta1 hello anybody know how to make ajax observeField stay selected if a user submitting form, and user forget to fill valid email
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 Eddie_CRO yes but with some forumpost conditions, right?
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 TonkaTruck I want the forum record.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 Eddie_CRO what else?!
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 Eddie_CRO you don't want records for Forum if it doesn't have that specific ForumPost condition.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 TonkaTruck Yes. I'm assuming because I'm doing $this->Forum->find()
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 Eddie_CRO which is not what you want
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:57 Eddie_CRO yes but you get the record for Forum.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:56 TonkaTruck I get an empty forumpost array if there are no forumposts for that topic.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:55 Eddie_CRO just with empty FormPost array.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:55 Eddie_CRO it seems it does.
# Aug 7th 2008, 00:55 Eddie_CRO and check if it gives you the Forum record back although it doesn't contain formpost's condition.