Log message #107662

# At Username Text
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:09 poluta1 moelee: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1230609567
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:09 moelee $this->Listener->ArtistsFan=>id = null
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:09 moelee have you tried explicitly setting the id = null
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:09 julien_re_ what's the best way to use aggregate functions in Cake ?
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:08 moelee hmm
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:08 poluta1 moelee: yes
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 moelee polutal: are you saving right after you create?
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 freebox somebody know an issue with sluggable and duplicated slugs?
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 benni Hi there... shouldn't $this->RequestHandler->respondAs('xml'); force giving back the action as xml? It doesn't work for me... any ideas? (It's the first time I try this - I actually just created a view with xmlish tags and added the line above to the action...)
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 poluta1 $this->Listener->ArtistsFan->save(array('artist_id' => $artist_id, 'fan_id' => $listener_id))
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 poluta1 $this->Listener->ArtistsFan->create(array('artist_id','fan_id'));
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:07 poluta1 i've call model::create() before
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:06 poluta1 hello.. why if i call model::save() the result is always updating ?
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:05 moelee that is sweet
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:05 moelee hah
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:04 chrysanthemum Cakebot was like... whoa too long -- i quit
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:04 freebox (
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:04 freebox CakeBot: mvc (Model-view-controller) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) of the applicati
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:03 chrysanthemum i love it
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:02 chrysanthemum haha jsut palyin around
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:02 freebox lol?
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:01 freebox LOL
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:01 freebox i hate kohana users
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 freebox cake ftw
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 freebox \o/
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 chrysanthemum im practically a cake expert now!
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 chrysanthemum whooo i just did the whoel blog tutorial and it worked
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 freebox i know only Argentina an Uruguay outside brazil
# Aug 6th 2008, 23:00 stabb ACTION is french
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:59 freebox cool
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:59 thestaff but i live in NYC
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:59 thestaff french
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:59 freebox thestaff: and u?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:59 freebox yes
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:58 thestaff i was kinda close
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:58 freebox =)
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:58 thestaff kool
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:58 freebox thestaff: brazilian
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:58 thestaff are you italian or spanish ?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:57 freebox this model function
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:57 freebox foreach ($this->find('all') as $row) { $this->create(); $this->id = $row[$this->alias]['id']; $this->saveField('titulo', $row[$this->alias]['titulo']); }