Log message #107601

# At Username Text
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:45 moelee wasn't until i started actually setting up cakephp and coding did it really sink in
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:45 moelee the wikipedia entry is kinda abstract
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:38 poluta1 configuring a thing using standardized rules
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:37 poluta1 yeaa
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:37 cobol makes a ton of sense, doesnt it? :)
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:36 poluta1 Hedz, cobol, moelee : thank you.. yes.. i understand now...
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:34 stabb hai
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:34 crux hai
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:34 stabb oh hey
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:30 cobol does that make sense?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:30 cobol that makes everything automagic, for the most part
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:30 cobol so it's a naming convention aided by camelcasing
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:30 cobol i.e. to store objects of type 'Food', you create a table called 'Foods' with a controller called 'Foods Controller', and you can access related objects called food 'Bins' by having a key named 'bin_id'
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:29 moelee well that's just one example
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:29 moelee to make connections between tables and models
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:29 cobol poluta1: it basically means that you dont need to explicitly state things because there is a standard way of expressin them already
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:29 moelee cakephp relies on naming conventions
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:29 moelee umm
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:28 Hedz so you dont need to configure it... its convention
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:28 Hedz all table names must be plural
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:28 Hedz example of convetions is tables names
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:28 poluta1 can somebody explain to me..? what is convention over configuration ? owwhh... silly question.. :( sorry
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:21 Jezek how can i cache an array
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:15 cobol good programmers always are
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:15 nymacro I'm like that. You know. Lazy
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 nymacro It isn't really a problem. Was just interested if there was a better way to do it :P
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 nymacro lol
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol ;)
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol shut it :P
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol seriously
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol if thats the biggest problem you're having
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 nymacro Oh well
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol it would break saves
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 nymacro that way when you iterate over $array['Post'] it would have the same behaviour
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:14 cobol that would violate convention, actually
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 cobol nah
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro (something which would make it consistently $array['Post'][index]['Post]['id'])
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro Was just wondering if there were a better way
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro yeah
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol if it has sub-children, change behavior, or vice versa
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol i'd just run checks on the data array