Log message #106741

# At Username Text
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:55 Swiatecki ofc
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:54 bjn Question (looked in the manual, sorry if I missed it): Does CakePHP require any particular PHP extensions to be compiled/enabled?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:54 Tom_M_ provided that they follow cake's naming conventions of course
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:54 Tom_M_ yea
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:54 Swiatecki so i create a couple of tables and run the wizzard?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:53 Tom_M_ yea the bake script allows you to go through a console based wizard that asks a series of questions based on what it discovers in your database. it then makes some assumptions and depending on your db architecture, creates all the add/edit/delete/view pages and forms you'd need to get started
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:52 Swiatecki Tom_M_: have i understood this correctly: you can somehow(bake?) create a copy of the std. cake dir for a new project?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:48 Raphael thanks in advance
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:48 Raphael I'll look at tomorrow in the morning
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:47 Raphael If you find the answer, please let it here
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:46 olof ACL question here. When I insert an ARO that contains a . (for example cake acl create aro 'my.name@example.com') everything before the first period is treated as the modelname. How can I escape the periods? I tried \. which worked, but the \ was also written into the aro
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:46 achew22 does anyone know where the datetime combo boxes gets combined into date format/
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:44 Tom_M_ sadly i dont use it as much as i should
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:44 Tom_M_ bake is really good
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:43 altos thanks for the help guys
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:43 altos well i'm out for today
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:42 Swiatecki k, hmm gotta look at that bake stuff :p
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:41 TommyO Swiatecki: an entire app dir structure exists in cake/console/libs/templates/skel which is what bake uses for its source
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 Tom_M_ k
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 TommyO Swiatecki: if you bake your app you'd get a copy in your new app's baked structure
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 Swiatecki *created
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 Swiatecki yeah ofc. just wanted to see how it was dreated
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 Tom_M_ it'll override if present else default down
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 Tom_M_ don't alter that thought if you wanted to change default layout . copy it (any other things) from there and put in your respective /app location
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:39 TommyO Swiatecki: but since you never ever change anything in the core, editing that file would be a no-no
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:38 Tom_M_ ... /cake/libs/view/layouts/default.ctp
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:38 Swiatecki Tom_M_: and it would load /cake/libs/default.ctp?
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:36 Tom_M_ Swiatecki - it should always go to default.ctp but if you dont have one in your /app its under /cake/libs
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 Swiatecki where is the std. layout ctp file? (the file that is used when there isnt a default.ctp)
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 altos some community
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 Tom_M_ http://cloud-9ine.com/ plug ;)
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 altos er not someone
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 altos **** RoR
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:35 altos Yeah I <3 PHP and MVC (have a .net background) just glad someone made a framework that appeals to me.
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:34 Tom_M_ which is turning out pretty kick ass. but i need to polish up and clean up
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:34 altos not to imply i'm not a college student :-p
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:34 altos I think one was done by a college student, probably as a PoC
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:34 Tom_M_ ) I'm working on media blog in 1.2
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:34 TommyO ambitious early-adopters :)
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:33 altos Yeah
# Aug 6th 2008, 15:33 TommyO altos: msny of them were started years back but never really finished, or never brought up to 1.2 grade