Log message #1034035

# At Username Text
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:05 savant1 book search sucks :)
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:05 foofoo http://api.cakephp.org/search/rollback
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:05 markstory ionas: and you expect transactions to work on myisam?
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:04 ionas82 ah now
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:04 ionas82 book search not working :E
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:04 ionas82 hm
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:04 ionas82 ~transaction
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:04 ionas82 foofoo, I will consider that but first dig into mark's direction
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:03 foofoo myisam doesn't support transactions, so if that's an abstraction to transactional storage engine stuff then you need to switch to innodb
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:03 ionas82 yeah its a dbo method
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:03 ionas82 okay
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:03 ionas82 hm
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:03 ionas82 myisam
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:02 markstory because last I checked it was a dbo method.
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:02 markstory when did models get a rollback method?
# Sep 13th 2009, 14:02 foofoo ionas82: what storage engine are you using on your tables?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:59 ionas82 I am on MySQL 5
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:57 ionas82 http://book.cakephp.org/search/rollback working for you?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:57 ionas82 hm
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:56 ionas82 http://monmonja.com/blog/2008/07/transaction-on-cakephp-12/
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:56 ionas82 like this?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:56 ionas82 http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1679118033
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:56 ionas82 any idea why $this->rollback() is not working?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:53 cewi thats true thx
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:53 burzum depending on your needs i would benchmark each way and choose the fastest, if time and processing power doesnt matter just make it work :)
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:52 cewi yeah i thought to do it in "steps" and them merge the parts. an other idea i had was to make a txt of the big pdf anlyze that page by page and then with fpdi extract singel pages in the order i need
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:49 burzum to reduce the amount of pages, can you just pick the pages needed for each search term? This might reduce it, 2000 is a lot
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:49 cewi burzum: with pdttotext i make txt-files, anlayze the content, build an array with inexes of the pages an then use tcpdf to merge them
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:47 Phally NoReGreT: it is
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:47 burzum sorting them by content: how? depending on this i would just extract the needed pages and process them for each content step
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:47 NoReGreT isn't bake with the cakephp package?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:47 GustavoRamos usually the amount of opened files in x86 systems is 1024
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:46 GustavoRamos mmm
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:46 cewi oh waht i'm doing is splitting a very large pdf in single pages, sorting them by content and then rebuilding one single file.
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:45 GustavoRamos what is it about ?
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:45 GustavoRamos but a system that opens >2000 files is not so good
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:44 GreaterCoreQuad how do i use generatetreelist from TreeBehavior? i would like to find all the descendants of a particular node
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:44 GustavoRamos mm,
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:44 cewi i agree, but unfortunately it's not my decision...
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:43 GustavoRamos think it is better to switch OS, nah? lol
# Sep 13th 2009, 13:43 cewi thank you, so i'll have to rewrite my code ;-(