Logs for #cakephp

Page 11 of 36,922, showing 100 records out of 3,692,143 total, starting on record 1,001, ending on 1,100

# At Username Text
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:41 t73net I've written a few GTK-PHP apps for Linux
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:41 cobol have you checked out the roadsend php compiler?
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:41 t73net always wanted to get cake into the mix :)
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 nymacro hehe
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 cobol utterly useless for web stuff, but it can compile a lot of gtk-php apps cleanly last i checked
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 t73net cool
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 FurnaceBoy renan_saddam, sempre e bom para encontrar brazucas no irc :)
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 t73net I've seen a couple things about it
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:42 t73net make for nice x-OS compatability
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 cobol yeah i dont want to write for nodes anymore
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 Jezek I can't get view caching to work. this is the relevant code. http://bin.cakephp.org/view/573298039
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 nymacro print_r needs pretty printing like most CLISP :(
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 cobol i like services and SaaS and all that
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 cobol the web is teh awesome
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 renan_saddam FurnaceBoy: Eu digo o mesmo!
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:43 Jezek when i set it to cache all actions, it works
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:45 t73net nymacro: try debug() instead
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:45 t73net or even pr();
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:46 nymacro t73net: cheers
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:47 cobol i use syslog() and remoet debugging almost exclusively for that stuff now
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:47 cobol because it's so hard to debug ajax output with it
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:47 cobol (print_r,var_dump,etc)
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:47 cobol i recommend it to anyone
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:47 cobol xdebug ftw
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:48 Jezek or i guess it does work, but when i include the action on the frontpage, it runs the queries again.
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:48 cobol Jezek: i think those definitions are url-based, so if it's a different url...
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:49 cobol but i'm not actually sure.
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:50 Jezek http://bin.cakephp.org/view/39830046
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:50 cobol i dont think requestAction is cache-aware
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:51 cobol and actually, requestAction replicates most of the request lifecycle
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:51 cobol and is insanely heavy
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:51 Jezek how else would i display a list of categories on my frontpage
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:52 cobol element
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:52 cobol and possibly a component to help it along
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:53 cobol the caching could then also be data level
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:53 cobol instead of view
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:53 Jezek wait why a component
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:53 Jezek i already have a controller
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:54 cobol because components are designed to hold reusable application that logic that will be called upon in multiple actions
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:55 Jezek but what if i want to use views too, like if viewing an individual category
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:55 Jezek so i just include the copmonent in the controller?
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:55 cobol an element would be a reusable piece of view logic
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:56 cobol <?php echo $this->element('categorylist'); ?>
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:56 cobol or somesuch
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:56 chrysanthemum well hello all
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:56 cobol there are a number of ways you can do this, but requestAction is probably not what you wnat to be doign because of the weight
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:57 cobol i.e. you should find a different container for reusable application logic components for that instead of an action
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:57 cobol like for example a component, or helpers, or elements; as is appropriate for you
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:58 Jezek alright
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:58 loki_racer whats another site like Pandora, not last.fm, that uses the browser to delivery music
# Aug 6th 2008, 21:59 Jezek prettyy sure this is the cakephp channel
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:00 Jezek cobol, wouldn't i have to use requestaction in the element?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:01 cobol Jezek: no, the element is the view logic component
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:01 cobol the application logic i would likely put in a component. the pages that use it would then call on the component to generate the data
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:01 cobol and pass it along to the view
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:01 cobol where the element handles it
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:01 cobol you could then also easily integrate data caching in the component
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:02 cobol and it because a black box to the controller's action
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:02 cobol *becomes
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:02 Jezek oh ok
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:02 cobol does that all make sense?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:02 Jezek not really
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 cobol well you know how in MVC, application logic goes in the controller, and view logic in the views?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 Jezek yes
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 cobol it's basically the same thing, except for reusable code
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 nymacro hmmm
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 cobol so helpers and elements become the view logic code
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 cobol and the component is application logic
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:03 Jezek but how do i get the data into the element without using requestAction
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:04 achew22 rar....
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:04 cobol Jezek: by putting the application logic that fetches it into a component
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:04 cobol and calling on that component
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:04 cobol from the action
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:04 cobol the action takes the data and passes it to the view
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:05 nymacro can anyone tell my why CakePHP behaves like this: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1570690605
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:05 nymacro in regards to [Post]
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:05 Jezek gotcha
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:05 cobol i would wager because your controller explicitly uses('Post')?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:06 cobol i think?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:06 cobol i dont really know
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:06 nymacro Sorry, let me clarify; I have an element which renders a post, and I want to use it both for post view, and for topic viewing all posts
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:06 nymacro So I want to reuse the one element for both controllers/views
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:07 nymacro I can't use the same template unless I manually modify the representation
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:08 cobol code?
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:10 nymacro http://bin.cakephp.org/view/432638033
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:10 nymacro that is the views
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:10 nymacro oh, forgot to put in the elemtn
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:10 nymacro *element
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:11 nymacro post element: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/65675558
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:11 nymacro basically, from one place, i use $post['id'], and another it is $post['Post']['id']
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:11 nymacro Just wondering if there is a way to make it keep the same form
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol really only with a custom query, from what i know
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol the nesting behavior is explicit to support the automatic relationships
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol sorry, it took me a while to get your problem
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 nymacro no worries
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol i'd just run checks on the data array
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:12 cobol if it has sub-children, change behavior, or vice versa
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro yeah
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro Was just wondering if there were a better way
# Aug 6th 2008, 22:13 nymacro (something which would make it consistently $array['Post'][index]['Post]['id'])