Log message #4268526

# At Username Text
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:53 slackebot2 (/var/www/cake3/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/I18n/Formatter/IcuFormatter.php:56)```
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:53 greg138 I'm running into a problem passing a UTF-8 string as a positional parameter in `__`. Anybody else see this? `$text = __('{0} {1} document {2}', $action, $category, $filename);` When `$filename` has something like "123 Des règles", we get ```[Aura\Intl\Exception\CannotFormat] Invalid UTF-8 data in string argument: '123 Des règles': U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:51 greg138 If you only ever need the code in one place, then having it in that one place is more elegant; why have a whole separate file just to implement a one-line function? If you need it in multiple places, but all in the same table, then a function in that table is probably most elegant. If you need it across tables, then a provider gets to be a useful thing.
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:13 paolo.bragagni ...and now that I know about providers seems more elegant... :D
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:12 paolo.bragagni Can I put custom logic in a method?
# Jul 27th 2021, 16:11 paolo.bragagni Id like to reuse the custom logic
# Jul 27th 2021, 15:59 tyler.adam.lazenby I finally got my ci to run properly
# Jul 27th 2021, 15:36 kevin.pfeifer as cnizzardini already said above you don’t need to create a custom provider. Just use this approach: ```$validator->add('title', 'someuniquename', [ 'rule' => function ($value, $context) use ($extra) { // Custom logic that returns true/false }, 'message' => 'The title is not valid' ]);``` Custom Providers are just a tool to separate custom rules into its own file.
# Jul 27th 2021, 15:33 paolo.bragagni Il try tomorrow. (Someting easier??)
# Jul 27th 2021, 15:00 cnizzardini Name your class `MyProvider` is the standard
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:59 greg138 Should be `'provider' => 'custom'`, no?
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:53 paolo.bragagni no errors but no validator
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:52 paolo.bragagni class myProvider { public function customMethod() { return false; } }
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:52 paolo.bragagni in myProvider
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:52 paolo.bragagni $validator = new Validator(); $validator->setProvider('custom', new \App\Model\myProvider()); $validator->add('descrizione', 'custom', [ 'rule' => 'customMethod', 'provider' => 'table' ]);
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:51 paolo.bragagni then in my model table in initialize I wrote
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:50 paolo.bragagni created myProvider.php in App/Model
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:50 paolo.bragagni no bo
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:48 paolo.bragagni no wait
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:47 paolo.bragagni created myProvider.php in App/Model
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:47 paolo.bragagni I'm not able
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:34 admad 4.3 will even support PHP 8.1 :)
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:29 admad `void` can't be used with any other type.
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:23 cnizzardini at least 4.2 should be
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:23 cnizzardini it's not like cakephp 4 won't be supported for a very longtime, and its compatible with php 8
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:18 paolo.bragagni ok trying
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:17 cnizzardini or the last thing in the posted snippet, which accepts a string at arg two, but the method must be static
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:16 cnizzardini i'm guessing here, because i've never used them, but I imagine you could do this: `$validator->setProvider('custom', new \App\Any\Damn\Fqn\MyProvider());`
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:15 cnizzardini where ever you want per the documentation
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:15 paolo.bragagni where the provider logic goes?
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:14 cnizzardini if you're not reusing the rule, i see no reason to create a provider and would just use a callback
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:13 cnizzardini build the provider and inform Validator
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:12 brandon Oof. I am only just getting around to upgrading the site 4.x. 5.x is coming this year? :cold_sweat:
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:12 cnizzardini you can cargo cult something into existence
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:12 cnizzardini ```$validator = new Validator(); // Use an object instance. $validator->setProvider('custom', $myObject); // Use a class name. Methods must be static. $validator->setProvider('custom', 'App\Model\Validation');```
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:12 cnizzardini specifically:
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:12 cnizzardini https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/core-libraries/validation.html#adding-validation-providers
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:11 paolo.bragagni (if datetime I admit only date in italian, if decimal I admit only 2 decimal etc..
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:09 paolo.bragagni I'm trying to create a model.twig where I define my own default validation
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:08 cnizzardini cool, i've seen lots of PR activity on it
# Jul 27th 2021, 14:08 cnizzardini which i assume you might not need, especially for a one off validation, depends on what you're trying to do though...