Log message #3938481

# At Username Text
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:37 hmic it just fragments the community
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:37 hmic what about slack? does it make anything better or easier? to whom?
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:37 hmic who needs a new logo and branding? which developer does care about that?
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:37 hmic on the other hand, the so called good decisions are completely pointless
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:36 hmic dont get me wrong, i do like cake a lot, i really do! but there are lots of decisions that are bad. bad for the community and support
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:35 hmic because its actually true! it's just plain bad management and communication
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:35 hmic so why is the perception on these topics this bad on cake?
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:35 hmic you need to hold on the promise which cake did not *again*
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:35 hmic if you encourage ppl to upgrade seemlessly between minor versions
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:34 hmic 2.6 already was a major bc break, as 3.3 is
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:34 hmic despite its numbering
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:34 hmic which the current one does not
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:34 hmic it would be another schema, yes. but it would actually hold true for the BC guidelines!
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:33 inoas like, the issue would be that at max 4.0 (current 3.0) would then be supported "LTS"
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:32 inoas hmic would you have prefered for 2.6 to be 3.0, for lithium to be 3.0, for current 3.0 to be 4.0, for 3.3 to be 5.0 and for "the next 4.0" to actually be CakePHP 6.0 ;)?
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:31 hmic as there are constraints
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:30 hmic if you are using the php session handler you need to check the php.ini too
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:29 crazycoder if i increate that value i do not see any change
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:29 crazycoder 'session.cookie_lifetime' => 1800
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:29 crazycoder what to do if the change i made into app.php does not affect the session timeout ? I followed this http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/sessions.html
# Sep 27th 2016, 13:28 crazycoder hello
# Sep 27th 2016, 12:33 hmic i'd realy like to set it up right here to give you a hand and get you a working solution
# Sep 27th 2016, 12:32 hmic you've put lots of efforts in this problem.
# Sep 27th 2016, 12:23 hmic it would not run yours in this case, because that ends the request too, doesnt it? - or it errors out in your case
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:59 hmic the callback will not work like you expect it to
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:59 hmic did you use the callback or implement an event rather?
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:37 cakephp231 if I try to use return inside a function that is inside a controller I get"Controller actions can only return Cake\Network\Response or null. "
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:33 cakephp231 if I make it private in controller I get The action getDepartment is not defined in CalendarController
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:31 hmic you better mark it private though
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:31 hmic sure.
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:30 cakephp231 * create a function that returns an array
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:28 cakephp231 I have a question...is it posible to create a function in a controller then to return an array and set the function in beforeFIlter? ex: beforeFIlter(){$this->set("blabla",$this->myfunction())}
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:26 cakephp231 Hi all!
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:24 hmic you would stop that if you implement the callback function and return false...
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:24 hmic you only want the beforeRedirect event to stop. not the redirect itself
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:23 hmic a subject
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:22 hmic this event gets a parameter, unlike the callback function
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:22 hmic but the event
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:22 hmic you dont implement the callback function
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:22 hmic it does
# Sep 27th 2016, 11:05 Yuv yes both are linux