Log message #3923051

# At Username Text
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:42 shealyw2 should you pass associated to newEntity and patchEntity? or just patchEntity?
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:38 admad Validation is done when marshalling not saving
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:17 btx so it appears there is no way to have `save()` only honor a requested validation set? (e.g. admin validation is different from user level validaton)
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:14 btx and ``` $this->save($e, [â??validateâ??=>â??consumeâ??]); ``` does nothing
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:13 btx will a `Table` always call `validationDefault` ? when I do ```php $e = $this->newEntity($data, [â??validateâ??=>â??consumeâ??]); return $this->save($e); ``` it appears that both the `validationDefault` and `validationConsume` functions are being called.
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:10 btx np, Cells are like microcontrollers - more here http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/cells.html
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:10 btx `?= $this->cell(â??Contact::addâ??) ?>` and then your view cell acts like a tiny controller and passes an entity to the view cell `.ctp` file that is picked up by `$this->Form-create($contact)`
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:10 marquesf @btx thank u bro i will search about
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:08 btx @marquesf view Cell that spits out a form using the correct entity object is one way
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:07 marquesf i want to use the add action from my contatcs controller in my home controller any tricks to do it?
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:06 ypnos have a look at https://packagist.org/packages/ypnos-web/cakephp-datatables maybe
# Aug 25th 2016, 16:03 jaywalker Hmm, that might prove useful. Thanks
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:59 ypnos I use datatables with scroller
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:59 ypnos I hate pagination
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:58 jaywalker How do you guys usually go about making an index/paginated page from data that's not represented 1-to-1 as a model/db table?
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:23 dereuromark As $request->query becomes deprecated and one has to use $request->query() anyway
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:22 dereuromark @btx In light of https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/issues/9325 this becomes actually necessary to do now in 3.current
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:18 dereuromark its a small feature for current master to allow that IMO
# Aug 25th 2016, 15:18 dereuromark btx you wanna make a PR here?
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:57 ypnos )
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:57 ypnos btw I don't mind you write $a = find(); $a->morestuff($a->foo)), all I complained about was $a = find(); $a = $a->morestuff :9
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:55 ypnos I would always do the latter, basically because I like to abstract away all SQL code and be database agnostic, but I think it is a matter of taste
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:54 saliak ypnos: yeah, in my current implementation, for sure (done actually). but if i wanted to implement my sum() function like in http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#using-sql-functions, instaad fo â??releasedâ??=>â??sum(fulfillmentItems.qtyâ??, to do â??releasedâ??=>$warehouse_skus->func()->sum(â??FulfillmentItems.qtyâ??), is a little easier. is there a benefit to doing the latter over the former?
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:52 ypnos all I'm saying is cut the assignment from your statement, it is redundant, serves no purpose
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:51 ypnos well what is the benefit of writing $variable = $variable?
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:51 saliak ypnos: so I created a separate finder variable before. is there a downside to doing the function as I did?
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:50 saliak ypnos: oh yeah, i previouly was doing the sum as $warehouse_skus->func->sum(â??FulfillmentItems.qtyâ??)
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:50 ypnos yeah I saw you were confused with these two methods
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:49 saliak ypnos: cool thanks.. man, i could have sworn i looked at leftJoin beforeâ?¦ must have gotten it mixed with leftJoinWith
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:49 ypnos you can as well just write $foo->select()-> ...
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:49 ypnos btw, $warehouse_skus = $warehouse_skus->select(-) is silly
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:48 ypnos then this is the way to go
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:48 ypnos ah but I see you have two fields per subquery
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:48 ypnos easier to write down, code is then more comprehensible
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:47 ypnos I would still do the select thing in your case probably
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:47 ypnos yeah thats what I was talking about
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:46 saliak ypnos: *BOOM*. nailed it! https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e187945cdb1cc91c59639d8e5039caf1 thanks so much for the pointers!
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:42 birdy247 is there a more elegent way of building that?
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:42 birdy247 all the body requests are built like this
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:41 birdy247 I am looking at the sendgrid API documentations
# Aug 25th 2016, 14:35 ypnos )